Benjamin Dupont-Jubien


Nicknamed "Condamnator", Antoine Bellefond is a great prosecutor who does not spare the criminals who cross his path. Until one of them, innocent, commits suicide in court. Shocked, Bellefond decides to put his career on hold - But his niece, whom he has not seen for years, calls him for help: her father, Antoine's brother-in-law, has been arrested for murder and refuses to defend himself even though she is convinced of his innocence. Bellefond returns to his native village, accompanied by three of his best students, to unravel the mystery, reconnect with his past and reconcile with his family.
Проклятие Провена
Production Director
В старинном городе Провене в Шампани во время показа средневекового спектакля «Легенда о рыцарях» режиссёр и актёр Ренан Тома получает колотое ранение от переодетого человека в маске, но по счастливому стечению обстоятельств остаётся жив. Свидетелями происшествия стали пришедшие на шоу капитан полиции Карин Демарль и её сын. Карин же и предстоит вести расследование этого покушения на убийство вместе с бывшим мужем, капитаном полиции Патриком Робеном.