Masha Godovannaya

Masha Godovannaya

Рождение : 1976-10-01, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Masha Godovannaya (Russian: Маша Годованная; born 1976; Moscow) is a Russian visual artist, queer-feminist researcher, curator and educator based in Vienna, Austria. She studied music, literature, and book publishing before leaving for the United States in 1995. In New York, she programmed film series in various cultural institutions and festivals. She returned to St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2003 where she continued her artistic career and taught film/video classes at the Department of Liberal Arts and Science (Smolny College) of St. Petersburg State University. In 2016, she entered the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, as a PhD-in-Practice candidate. Masha holds an MFA degree in Film/Video from Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College, New York, and an MA in Sociology from European University in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her films and visual works have been shown at many festivals, screenings, and art venues (such as Rotterdam Film Festival, the Tate Modern, Oberhausen International Film Festival, London Film Festival, Manifesta-10, 7th Liverpool Biennial, Center Georges Pompidou, etc.


Masha Godovannaya


A text floating on a river
The film is based on a text by an art historian Koivo on how architectural elements of the past find themselves in mundane structures of our everyday. Together we walked Vienna in search of these architectural residues and their inscription into the urban landscape with the haunted history.
Who Said There Will Be a Walk in Time
A visual study which sketches the forms and outlines, the margins of queer kinships lived and practiced by the local queer community of post-socialist Split, Croatia.
The City Bridges Are Open Again
A found-footage film that exhilarates via virtuosic editing, this homage to early Soviet-era cinema pioneer Sergei Eisenstein reconfigures extracts from several of the maestro’s classics—such as Battleship Potemkin—into something fresh and provocative. Inspired by Eisenstein’s seminal montage theories, the director works in tandem with composer Federico Schmucler to thrillingly evoke tumult.
Matters of Daring
The film departs from Carl T. Dreyer's La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928), Sergej Eisenstein's Battleship "Potemkin" (1925), October (1928), and the Mexican film material (1930), as well as Friedrich W. Murnau's Nosferatu (1922). Conceptualised in three parts, it draws viewers into landscapes populated by ghostly communities, shadows, and intermediate beings acting as transitions to revolutions and dreams in the past, future, and present. Produced and realised as a framework for the que_ring drama project – Dark Revolutions which premiered on 14 Nov. 2019, at studio brut, Vienna, Austria.
Ландшафты Носферату
Ландшафты из «Носферату: симфония ужаса» (1922) Мурнау сопровождаются размышлением о призраках политической борьбы прошлого, о зрении как инструменте колонизации и об истинном смысле деколонизирующего взгляда, разрушающего всякий порядок.
Обращение к Жанне
Иконический образ Жанны Д'Арк из фильма Карла Теодора Дрейера. Жанна, назначенная быть символом веры, патриотизма и самопожертвования. Отделение плоти от духа. Еще немного, и она — протофеминистская мученица. Не слишком ли много требуется от тебя, Жанна?
Только два слова
В основе фильма два стихотворения — «Дыры» и «Кость» — американской поэтессы Эйлин Майлз, лесбиянки и культовой фигуры нью-йоркской поэтической сцены. Фильм — обмен между двумя квир-чувственностями и диалог двух женщин с эмигрантским опытом.
Дебри сна
Материнский страх потери, разрыва с ребенком заползает в обход механизма безопасности. Страх разливается во сне. Образы фильма становятся заменой и освобождением от ужаса преследующих невообразимых чувственных ощущений.
Лайка. Последний полет
Письмо мертвой собаки Лайки, первой покорительницы космоса. История ее героических подвигов и мученичества, документ одной из многих жизней, которыми решено было пожертвовать во имя человеческой стратегии завоевания и господства.
Ее* руки и его формы
Верите ли вы в призраков? Рефреном повторяется заклинание этой двухканальной проекции, кадров старого кино, переснятых на ломо-оптику. Теперь все в Ее руках, формирующих его — фильма — форму; в Ее труде, ставящем под сомнение Его авторитет.
Пир во время чумы
On March 18, 2014 President Putin gave a speech to both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. He declared the Crimea as a part of the Russian Federation. He said: “Esteemed friends, we have gathered here today because of an issue that is of vital importance, of historical significance for us all. On March 17, a referendum took place in the Crimea; it was held in full compliance with democratic procedures and the norms of international law. Voter turnout was more than 82 %. More than 96 % voted for reunification with Russia. The figures are extremely compelling.” He gave the speech. The war continues. The plague have started.
On April 14, 2014 Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a right-wing politician, publicly attacked two female journalists simply because one of them asked about the sanctions against Ukraine. He ordered to his guards “rape” and “kiss her hard” regardless of her pregnancy and threatened another one with unemployment when she defended her colleague. None of male journalists stood behind the women and tried to stop the high-ranked attacker and his followers.
The Elusive Horizon
The horizons of trembling film landscapes, captured on expired Soviet film, long out of production, developed by hand, break through the closed spaces of the city, reminding of the lost phenomenon of natural borders. For a short time, a person becomes, literally, the bearer of image and sound - he is given power over space, which usually oppresses him. For a while, he can turn it into something new or remind you of something long forgotten, elusive.
Fetish Frames #1
This film is a pure fascination with a filmic quality of the image captured on 16mm expired stock, hand-developed while neglecting rules of color processing and manipulated on a JK optical printer. Shot in 2008 it presents a transformed picture of Rotterdam's windmills reminiscent of Dutch Golden Age paintings and traditional Delft tiles.
As if in response to Susan Suleiman’s aphorism on motherhood “Mothers don’t write, they are written” and Julia Kristeva’s question “After the Virgin [Mary] what do we know about the inner discourse of a mother?” I decided to do a film on my own experience as a mother who is also an artist and the ambivalent but poignant process of inscribing a child into my life.
This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.
2 Home-Movies
Nearly all of us have shot home movies: on film, on video tape, or using the digital cameras built in to our mobile phones. We have filmed our children, family celebrations, or holidays. Now, imagine how a home-movie might look like if it were shot in the Warsaw Ghetto at the beginning of the 1940s by a German worker on vacation… 2 home-movies invites the viewer to look again at historically charged material from a different perspective and to think about our desire to pick-up a camera to record disasters.
Верни мне пропеллер
Личное размышление о мифическом образе мужественности в кино и столкновении между кинематографическим представлением и реальной жизнью. Бесконечно повторяющиеся кадры самолетов из фильма «Аэроград» (1935) Довженко, сопровождаемые абсурдным гимном, сталкиваются с не столь героическим домашним видео.
Along with the Phoenix
The film is conceived as a free cinematic improvisation vaguely based on the myth of the Phoenix.
Objects in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear
This film is a personal dedication to New York, “a city symphony” to the place which means so much to me…
Gnawed Vanity
Another Place and Yet the Same
It is my endeavor to stop time for a moment and to look through a different prism at things which have been around us for so long, forgotten and unnoticeable by us for so long. Forest, lake, meadow, sky... twilight... moon.
Magic Ferry-2
The original film was shot in 2001 and its description sounded like: «It could be an ordinary trip on the Staten Island ferry. But shot with single frames, with a few colors added and with just 30 seconds of running time, it becomes a trip on a magic ferry... ». But in 2005 the sound was added - the music by LU who composed it especially for the film and this short movie has gotten its second life and ten more seconds...
Untitled №1
While walking along Nevskiy Prospect in St. Petersburg, Russia, I saw a young girl dancing this harsh, passionate and seductive dance.
Без названия #1
Director of Photography
Пламенный танец маленькой девочки, случайно заснятый на улице на 16-мм пленку, в котором видится жертвенное и страстное, сильное и хрупкое, мимолетное и вечное — лики женственности.
Без названия #1
Пламенный танец маленькой девочки, случайно заснятый на улице на 16-мм пленку, в котором видится жертвенное и страстное, сильное и хрупкое, мимолетное и вечное — лики женственности.
Без названия #1
Пламенный танец маленькой девочки, случайно заснятый на улице на 16-мм пленку, в котором видится жертвенное и страстное, сильное и хрупкое, мимолетное и вечное — лики женственности.
Без названия #1
Пламенный танец маленькой девочки, случайно заснятый на улице на 16-мм пленку, в котором видится жертвенное и страстное, сильное и хрупкое, мимолетное и вечное — лики женственности.
“MUZHCHINI”, when pronounced by emphasizing every letter, means “mature men” in Russian. It is a catchphrase of Yevgeniy Yufit, the father of the Russian necrorealist movement and the hero of the film. This word well describes his attitude towards and interest in specific elements of Russian masculinity, which have been among the several themes of his own films. The second protagonist is Yuri Zverlin, an artist from St. Petersburg and star of Yufit’s feature “Killed by Lightning”; the third, an anonymous “Lenfilm” filmmaker. We were on a trip to the sacred monastery of lake Seliger; it all started inside its ecological pyramid, built without single nail supposedly maintaining the equilibrium of the region. It has no effect on us…
Drops on Marble
"This video is dedicated to Peterhof, the suburb of St. Petersburg where I used to live"
The First Round Dance
While walking around my Brooklyn neighborhood, I noticed these children joyfully playing in the spring sunshine. By chance I had my 16mm camera with me – and was able to film them. They were not afraid of me and my presence didn’t bother them. Somehow I was invited into their game, so similar to the first Round Dance of spring.
Magic Ferry
It could be an ordinary trip on the Staten Island ferry. But shot with single frames, with a few colors added and with just 30 seconds of running time, it becomes a trip on a magic ferry…
A Few Drunkards at the Mars Bar
It was during one of our usual visits to this famous bar, or “Library” as we often call it. Jonas Mekas, Julius Ziz, August Varkalis, Moira Tierney and I were engaging in our daily activity – “reading books”, which lasted from dusk till dawn.
You Can’t Keep A Good Snake Down
For a long time Saint Patrick has been touted as the redemptor of Pagan Ireland: the man who rid the country of its snake population. We felt it was time the snakes got their due – You Can’t Keep A Good Snake Down redresses this historical imbalance.
New York Underground
Light and Darkness of New York metro.
С завтра я провалила по полной
Хроника карантинной весны 2020 года, снятая из окна съемной квартиры режиссерки в Вене. Дневниковые записи не дают сойти с ума от изоляции. Камера отсчитывает время и возвращает прошлое. Кино помогает справиться с одиночеством.