Navin Johnson heads to Los Angeles to attend the wedding of his pen pal, Marie. On the way, he runs across a gang of hobos whose leader, Diesel, takes him to Las Vegas after learning of his skills at poker.
Arthur is asked to pick up a bird for Thanksgiving dinner, so he brings home a 266-pound chicken named Henrietta. The family welcome her with open arms, but the neighbors are not so sure and then Henrietta escapes.
Для банды обаятельных и харизматичных мошенников времен Великой Депрессии под предводительством Фарго Гондорффа афера — это не только способ неплохо заработать, но и поиграть в увлекательную игру в кошки-мышки со своими злейшими врагами Дойлом Лоннегэном и Гасом Макалински. Эти бедолаги, почитающие себя акулами криминального мира, ещё даже представить себе не могут, как легко они попадутся в хитроумную ловушку Фарго…
Frank Jordan
Jory is a fifteen-year-old boy who joins a horse-drive after his father is killed by a drunkard. The drive's leader and a likable cowhand take the boy under their wing, and find that tragedy has taught him how to take care of himself better than anyone could expect.
Ann-Margret starts her journey to Hollywood from the countryside, traversing the Freeway until she gets to Hollywood.
Haywood Holbrook
Этот фильм о городке золотоискателей в Калифорнии 1840-х годов — до того, как Калифорния стала штатом, и до того, как на территории появилось много «порядочных и хороших» женщин.
Cab Driver
A New York City bank teller becomes a media celebrity when he refuses to comply with his employer's demands that he shave his beard.
Cab Driver
Прекрасная восточногерманская олимпийская чемпионка прыгает с шестом через Берлинскую стену на свободу.
Lt. Schwartz
The divine Didi, a European actress known more for her bubble bath scenes than for her acting, decides she has had enough with bubble baths and wants to be taken seriously as an actress. So much so that she runs away during the middle of a scene while filming in Hollywood and winds up in Oregon. While she is staying in a hotel, the operator accidentally connects her with a real estate agent named Tom Meade. She asks Tom to bring her some food and when he does he suggests that she go to his cabin in the woods. She also asks him not to tell anyone where she is because she doesn't want to go back to Hollywood. Now Tom must keep the secret, especially from his wife and from his suspicious housekeeper Lily.
A wealthy young man tries to woo a university student, while her two uncles work to popularize a local club.
Frankie Frannis
Swindlers con a lunchroom clerk into doing them a favor, supposedly on behalf of the FBI.
Pvt. Charles Klassen
An Oklahoma National Guard unit, comprised mainly of Native Americans, is called up for duty at the start of World War II.
Sach discovers that he is heir to a farm in rural hillbilly country. He and the boys go to the farm to check it out, and find themselves mixed up with feuding hillbillies and a gang of bank robbers.
A vicious loan shark ring has been preying on factory workers. When several workers at a tire factory suffer violence at the hands of the loan sharkers, a union leader and the factory owner try to recruit ex-con Joe Gargan to infiltrate to the gang. At first Joe does not want to get involved, but changes his mind when his brother-in-law dies at the hands of a savage loan shark hood. Joe works his way into the mob, but in order to keep his cover, Joe can't tell anyone what he is up to. This results in him being disowned by his sister and girl friend.
Bill Collector (uncredited)
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Telecki (uncredited)
An illiterate stooge in a traveling medicine show wanders into a strange town and is picked up on a vagrancy charge. The town's corrupt officials mistake him for the inspector general whom they think is traveling in disguise. Fearing he will discover they've been pocketing tax money, they make several bungled attempts to kill him.
Aloysius Duff
Gloria Cole and Eddie Swenson are working to keep an old fire house, now being used as a youth center, from being razed to make room for a new skyscraper in Manhattan.
Fight Secretary
Gangsters frame Joe on a drunk charge and a murder rap so they can put their own fighter into a big event. Joe investigates in an attempt to prove his innocence.
Jack Wells
Major Geoffrey Barnett, U. S. Army Intelligence Service, is sent to Alaska, to apprehend a deserter, Tom Clark, who was presumed to be dead as a member of a small force wiped out on Attu in World War II. With the aid of Rose Flambeau, he finds evidence that the now-prosperous Clark killed his own comrades to prevent their reporting of a deposit of uranium, which he is now mining with the intention of selling to a foreign power.
While on shore leave to celebrate his first anniversary, Lt. Peter Duluth (Warren Douglas) takes his wife, Iris (Audrey Long), to a Los Angeles hotel but is turned away. When mysterious Colette (Stephanie Bachelor) offers them her suite, the young couple becomes entangled in a murder plot. Aided by two PIs, Peter and Iris find two corpses and are desperate to locate Colette before she becomes the next victim, but the killers are one step ahead.
Augie Pollack
A man wins $50,000 in a card game with gamblers, but is soon found dead and the money missing. Slip and Sach find the money near where the body was discovered, and soon find themselves the target of both the police and the gamblers.
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
The third of the Monogram series based on Ham Fisher's "Joe Palooka" comic strip, opens with Knobby Walsh, the manager of Joe Palooka trying to talk his way out of a traffic citation, and the story leading to that point is told in flashback as narrated by Walsh. Heavyweight champion Joe, after knocking out an opponent who later died in his dressing room, feels responsible and threatens to give up boxing. But the dead fighter's fiance thinks he died as the result of a drug that was given to him by a gang of gamblers, who made a rich haul betting on Palooka. Joe, Knobby and the police unite to run down the gamblers, but not before Joe also is nearly murdered by the same means...a poisoned mouthpiece. Elyse Knox is along as Joe's sweetheart Anne Howe, although Anne and Joe had long been married in the comic strip.
Классический ипохондрик Дэнни Уимс, каждый день находящий у себя все новые болезни, неожиданно получает повестку из военкомата. Пребывание Уимса в армии становится серьезным испытанием (для его сослуживцев)... Популярная музыкальная военная комедия с Дэнни Кеем, имевшая оглушительный зрительский успех. Особенно в армии, где ее просмотрели десятки тысяч солдат и моряков. Партнершей Дэнни Кея выступила известная актриса и певица Дина Шор. Замечу, что картина снята традиционно, примерно в таком же стиле, что и тогдашние советские ленты (только что вместо придурковатых фрицев выступают глупые япошки)
Benny Baker
A young soldier on a pass in New York City visits the famed Stage Door Canteen, where famous stars of the theater and films appear and host a recreational center for servicemen during the war. The soldier meets a pretty young hostess and they enjoy the many entertainers and a growing romance
Evelyn Palmer, a débutante society girl who also is a property landlord, becomes interested in the plight of one of her tenants, a struggling band-leader, to the extent she becomes a hostess in a dance club, incognito, where the band plays, and soon is the band's singer.
Monk Gordon
Broadway producer Nickie North and press agent Scoop Trimble find an investor for their next show who insists that they cast his ex-girlfriend, Clarice Sheldon, in the lead role and rehearse out of town. The crew set up on a family farm, and all is well until the leading man falls for the farmer's daughter, Patience Bingham. When flighty starlet Sheldon finds out he has a new girlfriend, she takes off, leaving North and Trimble to find a new leading lady.
Chief Evans (uncredited)
Сюжет фильма включает в себя общенациональный поиск танцовщицы среди студенток для замены в танцевальной паре, которая должна сниматься в новом высоко бюджетном мюзикле, а партнерша объявляет, что она беременна. Конечно, девушку Пэтти Марлоу выбрали заранее, но в рекламных целях, чтобы привлечь внимание к никому неизвестной дебютантке, руководство студии объявляет конкурс по радио по всей стране. А предварительно Пэтти посылают с секретаршей студии Евой (которая сдала за нее вступительные экзамены) в небольшой колледж на Среднем Западе. Все бы сошло с рук, но именно в этом колледже попадается редактор студенческой газеты Мишель «Паг» Бреддок, тоже студент, весьма принципиальный, который считает, что конкурс подстроен, что и оказывается правдой. Что же делать лже-студенткам? В теории, что Шерлок Холмс никогда не подозревал Ватсона, Пэтти становится помощником Пага, и они так успешно осуществляют поиск подставного лица, что, конечно, влюбляются друг в друга.
This comedy is set in New York and centers upon a singing Irish cop who causes quite a sensation among two producers when he sings at the annual Policeman's Ball. For a long time, they have been looking for a voice for their new cartoon feature, "Paddy the Pig," and the cop is just perfect. The policeman is tickled pink at the prospect of being a star and begins telling all his friends about his good fortune (he has no idea what they plan to do with his voice). Eventually he ends up marrying one of the producers, who still hasn't told him the truth. Suddenly the night of the big premiere finally arrives and all of the policeman's old friends and colleagues are there. As it begins, the policeman is appalled and humiliated to see that he has been mocked and has become a laughing stock. He immediately spurns his new wife and goes back to the police force. Time passes, and fortunately, the two reunite and settle their differences.
Cadet Dick Mycroft
Prep football star Jimmy Howal gets a reception far different from what he expected when he enters West Point.
A federal agent goes after a hijacking ring that uses beautiful women to help it hijack the rigs of unsuspecting truckers.
The plot concerns a female press agent who must select a "Mr. Manhattan" and "Miss Brooklyn" for an ad campaign mounted by a soup company. The Mr. Manhattan chosen is a singing soda jerk, who doesn't want to play along until he is given the honor of choosing his own Miss Brooklyn.
Stuffy Miller
Two football players fight over the same girl.
Эксцентричный миллионер, меценат Аксель Кларк хотел доказать, что все люди, в основном, честные и хорошие. После смерти, согласно его воле, адвокаты разбрасывают в разных местах города 25 кошельков, в каждом из которых $ 100, и визитная карточка с телефонным номером и адресом адвокатов. Нашлось четыре порядочных человека, которые возвращают кошельки и неожиданно оказываются затянутыми, в своего рода, лотерею. Завещание гласило — первый человек, который сможет честным путем удвоить выданную сумму в размере $ 5 000 в течение одного месяца, унаследуют все имущество Кларка. В противном случае, все имущество пойдет жадному брату Кларка, который полон решимости сорвать этот план.
Maxie Schwartz
Fred Stevens is an aspiring songwriter from Schenectady who journeys to New York City, hoping to make a name for himself. On the train he meets dental assistant Edna Baker, and the two embark upon a friendship that evolves into her falling for him. While struggling in Tin Pan Alley, Fred falls in with his composer partner's gold-digging sister-in-law Eileen. Eileen really becomes interested when she finds out Fred is carrying his life savings.
Al Vogel
A tightwad accountant for a newspaper becomes friends with a reporter. The bookkeeper goes on vacation, and while there he learns of a kidnapping conspiracy. He quickly phones the paper and they order him to follow up on the story and stay off the phone so the reporter (whom he secretly has a crush on) can use it.
Horace Dryden
Three playwrights (Lew Ayres, Eugene Pallette, Benny Baker) develop a plot around a drunk who gets killed in their apartment.
Эльза — дочь Штрауса, автора многочисленных вальсов. Однажды ей пришлось прийти к Баззи, руководителю джазового оркестра, из-за которого популярность нового музыкального стиля стала стремительно расти. Она хотела попросить его уехать из города, но даже не подозревала, что он настолько симпатичный...
Nature reporter Orville Shanks retreats to the woods for material for his "Our Wild Friends" column and to volunteer for his favorite cause, the Boy Scouts. When Orville's editor, Crane, orders him to spice up his column, Orville's wife Melba writes a gossip column using animals as metaphors for people. Crane loves Melba's article and gives Orville a raise, and the column becomes a hit.
'Dutch' Schultz
Paddy O'Riley and Ossie Merrill, Bellport high school football heroes, enroll in distant colleges; Paddy at a small school in the East, where he is barely a substitute, and Ossie at a powerhouse-football school, where he is an instant star and all-American candidate. They leave behind Cheers Reynolds, who is fond of Paddy, who works in her family's drugstore, but she loves Ossie almost as much as he loves himself. Paddy makes friends with team fullback Dutch Schultz, who accompanies him on vacation, and they arrive back in Bellport just as Ossie is also coming home on break. Florence Taylor is also in town on a film junket. Unknown to any of the others, Paddy and Florence had gone to high school together. Back at school and three years later, Paddy and Dutch learn that their football team could get invited to the coveted Rose Bowl to play against Ossie's team, if it could get enough publicity (pre-BCS days) that would attract a large crowd...
Phil Doane
Suspected crime boss Nate Girard beats a murder rap, and newspaper photog Kent Murdock is on the story. Girard and lawyer Redfield throw a party for the news men where Murdock romances a mystery woman who confronted Girard in front of him, but Murdock's fiancée Hester shows up. After they return to his apartment, have a fight, and she leaves, the mystery woman slips in and begs for his help. Police Inspector Bacon and the cops show up, looking for the mystery woman; Murdock hides her. Murdock goes with the cops to discuss the murder the woman is suspected of. Bacon explains (in flashback) how some photogs were setting up a shot with Girard and Redfield. When the flashbulbs popped, Redfield keeled over dead and the woman, Meg Archer, fled while the newsmen ran out to phone their papers. The newsmen (who were rounded up later as thoroly as possible) are taken into police custody, except for Murdock (who wasn't at the scene), who is given a cap on the sly by rival McGoogin. Altho ...
Previously filmed in 1930 as True to the Navy, Kenyon Nicholson's old stage farce Sailor Beware returned to the screen in 1936 as Lady Be Careful. The plot remains substantially the same, as an amorous sailor named Dynamite (Lew Ayres) bets his pals that he can "thaw" icy beauty-contest winner Billie (Mary Carlisle). What follows is a series of misunderstandings, arguments and reconciliations, all wrapped up in a happy-ever-after conclusion.
A sports announcer and a friend investigate after a pitcher misses a series. When they discover that gangsters are trying to find a hidden fortune, they use the radio show to foil the plan.
Молодая одаренная оперная певица Мария Северелли — воспитанница известного композитора Марчелло Бонелли. В деревенской церкви девушке случайно встречается местный рыбак Антонио Белицца. Он пришел в храм отнюдь не на службу — парень там прячется от полицейских. Герои мюзикла «Песня о любви» очарованы друг другом, и Мария решает составить дуэт с обладателем столь приятного голоса.
Jim Traft
Although Larry "Buster" Crabbe earns top billing, the hero of Drift Fence is former Western star Tom Keene as Jim Travis, who, at a rodeo, meets city dweller Jim Traft (Benny Baker), who has come west to erect a fence that will prevent Clay Jackson (Stanley Andrews) from continuing his cattle rustling business. A tough Western type, Travis suggests that he impersonate Traft and the building of the fence soon begins. But Travis is opposed by Slinger Dunn (Crabbe) and his family, whose small ranch will suffer from the division of the land. A romance between Travis and Slinger's sister, Paula (Katherine DeMille), paves the way for a meeting of the minds, however, and Slinger switches sides completely upon learning that Travis is a Texas Ranger in disguise. An in-house production (as opposed to Harry Sherman's Hopalong Cassidy Westerns), Drift Fence was the closest Paramount came to a B-Western in the mid-'30s. Zane Grey's original novel was published in 1932.
Hill-Billy Boy
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
A show troupe is engaged by Judge Culliman, who is running for Governor, to enhance his political campaign. When the inebriated Judge has to be replaced in doing his campaign speech by the troupe crooner, Eric Land, his political backers decide that they want him to run for Governor in the Judge's place. Romance, music, political corruption and the election results follow.
The wisp of a storyline involves two-bit radio station owner Spud Miller, who doubles as the station's sole announcer while his comic partner Smiley serves as the house crooner. On the verge of bankruptcy, Spud is receptive to the wacky notions of George and Gracie, who've just invented a television device which can pick up and transmit any signal, any time, anywhere.
Piano Player
Adam Larey becomes a fugitive from justice when he escapes after being blamed for a crime he did not commit. He wanders into the desert wastelands and joins an outlaw gang who prey on gold prospectors. Years later, he meets his wife and her gold-prospecting father as they have come there seeking their fortune, and not knowing the danger of the treacherous desert wastes, the poisoned-water holes and the outlaw bands of marauders who roam the desert in search of the gold found by others. He comes to their aid and, eventually, manges to clear his name of the false charge against him.
Commodore Fitzhugh, an old retired naval officer, lives at the Annapolis Naval Academy and, unhappy with the "modern" navy, likes to talk about his days in the "old" navy, especially about his part in the Battle of Manila Bay under Adm. Dewey during the Spanish-American War, when he commanded the USS Congress. That ship, now decommissioned and docked in Annapolis harbor, is--unknown to Fitzhugh--about to be towed out to sea to be used for target practice. When Fitzhugh finds this out, he sets out to either save his beloved vessel or "go down with his ship".
'Cuffie' Lewis
Julie Fresnel is a co-ed at Redgate University and her father, Dr. Henri Fresnel, is the new French professor. Julie attraction from the make students drops a bit when two of her admirers are found murdered. When an attempt on the life of a third one is made. Seth Dunlap, an instructor at the school, decides to turn detective and find the killer. Assisted by his sister, who is in love with the third student, Dunlap begins to follow the the small trail of clues left by the killer.
A woman and her children escape severe poverty and abuse. She successfully betters her family's condition while living with the secret that she killed her abusive husband in order to protect her children from him.
Irvin takes the governor on a duck hunting trip in the hopes of securing a plumb job, but his annoying nephew has other plans.
Reporter Outside Jail
Kentucky humorist Irvin S. Cobb hunts for an escaped felon, but the tables are turned when the criminal nabs him instead.
Cabaret entertainer Ruby Carter shifts her operations to New Orleans and becomes exceedingly popular with the local men.
Benny Baker, Second Suitor
Thelma rushes into the apartment she shares with Patsy, excited because she's fallen in love with Archie, a rich man with yachts and a British accent. Patsy isn't impressed and less so when Archie comes calling. She does her best to sink the romance, making noise while the lovers talk and offering Limburger cheese sandwiches. In desperation, Archie calls his brother Benny, who's a sailor, and asks him to keep Patsy company. After a series of mishaps, they end up at a saloon where Patsy orders everything on the menu. Who's going to have to pay?
Building Repairman
Patsy is coerced into faking a broken leg in order to win an insurance settlement after an automobile accident.
Snapper Dugan
Reporter Dan Collins tries to expose a crooked gambling ring, but is waylaid by Geraldine Sloane, a feisty young heiress who feels Collins has insulted her. To get revenge , she disguises herself and gets a job at Collins' paper, where she manages to throw his crusade against the gamblers into disarray.
Male Student
Count Romansky is a newspaper columnist who specializes in romance issues. When he loses his job, he opens up a school where he instructs his pretty pupils on affairs of the heart.