David Zonana

David Zonana

Рождение : 1989-11-22, Mexico City, Mexico


David Zonana


Luis, an 18-year-old Mexican boy with indigenous roots, enters the Heroico Military College with the hope of securing a better future. There, he encounters a rigid and institutionally violent system designed to make him a perfect soldier.
Luis, an 18-year-old Mexican boy with indigenous roots, enters the Heroico Military College with the hope of securing a better future. There, he encounters a rigid and institutionally violent system designed to make him a perfect soldier.
Luis, an 18-year-old Mexican boy with indigenous roots, enters the Heroico Military College with the hope of securing a better future. There, he encounters a rigid and institutionally violent system designed to make him a perfect soldier.
Рабочая сила
Брат Франсиско погиб на стройке, где они вместе работали. Не дождавшись компенсации от владельца здания, он разрабатывает план мести.
Рабочая сила
Брат Франсиско погиб на стройке, где они вместе работали. Не дождавшись компенсации от владельца здания, он разрабатывает план мести.
Рабочая сила
Брат Франсиско погиб на стройке, где они вместе работали. Не дождавшись компенсации от владельца здания, он разрабатывает план мести.
Two brothers are going through financial difficulties to pay for their mother's medical treatment. One of them also has a significant debt that endangers his life.
Two brothers are going through financial difficulties to pay for their mother's medical treatment. One of them also has a significant debt that endangers his life.
Two brothers are going through financial difficulties to pay for their mother's medical treatment. One of them also has a significant debt that endangers his life.
Two brothers are going through financial difficulties to pay for their mother's medical treatment. One of them also has a significant debt that endangers his life.
Дочери Абриль
Executive Producer
17-летняя Валерия живет со сводной сестрой Кларой в мексиканском городке Пуэрто-Вальярта на берегу моря. Валерия беременна от своего друга Матео и скрывает это от матери. Та явно нечастый гость в доме дочерей. Но Клара проговаривается по телефону о состоянии сестры, и мать, разбитная разведенка Абриль из Мехико, заявляется на порог дома. Первым делом, после того как Валерия рожает, она заставляет родителей Матео подписать согласие на удочерение новорожденной девочки. А потом Абриль уезжает в Мехико, прихватив с собой не только внучку, но и бойфренда дочери.
Dawn Blood
Andrea is devastated after learning her sister has leukemia, but a closer look will reveal that there is something hidden in her psyche.
Dawn Blood
Andrea is devastated after learning her sister has leukemia, but a closer look will reveal that there is something hidden in her psyche.
Dawn Blood
Andrea is devastated after learning her sister has leukemia, but a closer look will reveal that there is something hidden in her psyche.
Natalia, a 17 year old girl, lives in a wealthy environment in Mexico City. After falling victim to sexual abuse, her personality becomes overwhelmed with silent despair. A couple of impulsive decisions led by her trauma will make her discover a dark side of herself.
Natalia, a 17 year old girl, lives in a wealthy environment in Mexico City. After falling victim to sexual abuse, her personality becomes overwhelmed with silent despair. A couple of impulsive decisions led by her trauma will make her discover a dark side of herself.
Natalia, a 17 year old girl, lives in a wealthy environment in Mexico City. After falling victim to sexual abuse, her personality becomes overwhelmed with silent despair. A couple of impulsive decisions led by her trauma will make her discover a dark side of herself.
Natalia, a 17 year old girl, lives in a wealthy environment in Mexico City. After falling victim to sexual abuse, her personality becomes overwhelmed with silent despair. A couple of impulsive decisions led by her trauma will make her discover a dark side of herself.
Дэвид — медработник, который ухаживает за неизлечимо больными пациентами. Умелый и заботливый труженик, он устанавливает доверительные отношения с каждым человеком, о котором заботится. Но вне своей работы Дэвид — неловкий и закомплексованный человек. И он нуждается в каждом своем пациенте так же, как они в нем...