Singularity is a sci-fi action short film set in the near future about a civil war between humans and sentient androids. The film tells the story of a group of Delta force soldiers who are ambushed by androids as they attempt to rescue the US president.
Singularity is a sci-fi action short film set in the near future about a civil war between humans and sentient androids. The film tells the story of a group of Delta force soldiers who are ambushed by androids as they attempt to rescue the US president.
Агент Джей узнает, что никакого защитного галактического щита, способного отразить иноземный удар, не существует. Агент Кей не построил его, потому что был убит в 1969 году. Агент Джей должен совершить путешествие во времени, чтобы спасти Землю и жизнь напарника.
A little girl must reconcile with her father after a family tragedy. Little does she know that her anger fueled drawings have the power to change reality.
A little girl must reconcile with her father after a family tragedy. Little does she know that her anger fueled drawings have the power to change reality.
A little girl must reconcile with her father after a family tragedy. Little does she know that her anger fueled drawings have the power to change reality.