Мошенница, обманывающая миллионеров с Манхэттена, встречает авантюриста, который зарабатывает на аферах с хитрыми схемами.
A Scottish chaplain embarks on an epic journey through space. Based on Michel Faber's 'The Book Of Strange New Things'.
The film is a dark and fantastical touring tale with a little rock n' roll on the side just for good measure. This is a road movie. this is a rock and roll drama, a tale that exposes the rumors surrounding a mythical festival tour (or is it just the drugs?). The cinematography is stunning, the drug taking shocking and the horror horrific, not for the faint hearted. It's a unique film capturing the true essence of the festival spirit, unlike any British film to date. This movie is the essence of a rock and roll nightmare. It's a must see for anyone who's been on the road.. and if you've not gone on tour before... after this you never will.
The film is a dark and fantastical touring tale with a little rock n' roll on the side just for good measure. This is a road movie. this is a rock and roll drama, a tale that exposes the rumors surrounding a mythical festival tour (or is it just the drugs?). The cinematography is stunning, the drug taking shocking and the horror horrific, not for the faint hearted. It's a unique film capturing the true essence of the festival spirit, unlike any British film to date. This movie is the essence of a rock and roll nightmare. It's a must see for anyone who's been on the road.. and if you've not gone on tour before... after this you never will.
First Assistant Editor
The global war on terror rages on. When a government official goes missing, Lance, a man with an impressive record of service to his country, finds himself protecting the man who embodies everything he has dedicated his life to fight against.
First Assistant Editor
1183 год. Во время Рождественских празднеств стареющий король Англии Генрих II должен назвать имя наследника. На это событие прибывают жена короля Элеанора Аквитанская, которая провела десять лет в тюрьме за участие в заговоре против монарха, любовница короля — тщеславная принцесса Алэ, ее брат, король Франции Филипп II Август и трое сыновей Генриха II: Ричард Львиное Сердце, Джеффри и Джон. Все члены семьи люто ненавидят друг друга. Их объединяет лишь одно — непомерная жажда власти и готовность пойти на любое предательство ради нее.
A controversial short film that was commissioned by Havas Interactive and Cendant Software, and produced by British marketing agency Cruise Control, to promote the UK release of Sierra On-Line and Valve Software's debut videogame "Half-Life".