Chris Noel

Chris Noel

Рождение : 1941-07-02, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA


Chris Noel


Cease Fire
Tim Murphy is a Vietnam Vet. When he loses his job he starts to relive all the pain and horror of his time in Vietnam. The stresses and strains nearly destroy his marriage and his family. Only after joining a veterans' therapy group does Tim find relief from his nightmares. With the support of his fellow vets and the love of his wife, Tim recovers. Written by Pfyre Caidmon
Detour to Terror
Peggy Cameron
A homicidal dune-buggy trio terrorizes a busload of Las Vegas bound tourists with the intent to kidnap one of them.
The Tormentors
A wild gang of bikers who shamelessly idolize the Nazis, brutalizes anyone or anything that stands in their way. Dealing in illegal weapons, assassinations, power and violence, they seem invincible until they push one man too far... When his girlfriend is savagely murdered, he declares a personal war...but to destroy them, he has to join them!
For Singles Only
Anne and Helen move into a California apartment complex for single only where all the occupants are looking to hook up with Milton Berle as the building manager.
The Glory Stompers
Chino is the tough leader of a motorcycle gang who starts off a war when he abducts and mistreats the leader of the enemy biker gang, Darryl, and his girlfriend Chris. Things get violent when Darryl comes back for revenge.
Wild, Wild Winter
Low-budget beach party rip-off relocated to the slopes, with the plot of Taming of the Shrew loosely pasted on and with beats by the Beau Brummels.
Beach Ball
Edd Byrnes tries to get an ethnic-music-studies grant to buy instruments for his rock and roll group.
Joy in the Morning
Mary Ellen Kincaid
Carl Brown and Annie McGairy are in love. Their Irish immigrant parents knew each other in the old country - and Carl's parents want better for their son than Annie, who was raised in the slums. When Annie runs away to marry Carl while he's at college, they have many difficulties, including a college Dean that frowns upon married couples, Carl's angry parents, Carl's jealousy, and Annie's own problems with her sexuality.
Счастлив с девушкой
Чикагский мафиози по прозвищу Большой Фрэнк нанимает знаменитого певца Расти Уэллса присматривать за своей молодой дочерью Валери во время ее первых самостоятельных каникул во Флориде. Расти влюбляется в Валери и вынужден встретиться лицом к лицу с признанным ловеласом Романо, который вознамерился во что бы то ни стало завоевать сердце прекрасной девушки...
Get Yourself a College Girl
Sue Ann Mobley
A young music student faces expulsion after her instructors learn she is moonlighting as a pop-music writer.
Looking for Love
Actress (uncredited)
An aspiring young singer unexpectedly gets her big break by inventing a specialized clothes rack.
Honeymoon Hotel
Nancy Penrose
A man left at the alter goes on his honeymoon trip anyway, taking his best man along instead.
Soldier in the Rain
Frances McCoy
Maxwell Slaughter is a kind, heavyset guy who has reached the rank of master sergeant in the army. Admired by handsome young Sgt. Eustis Clay, Slaughter forms a close bond with his peer. Clay hopes to convince Slaughter to join him in a business venture outside of the service, but, in the meantime, he introduces the older officer to the beautiful young Bobby Jo Pepperdine, inadvertently creating trouble for both men.