Ho Wei-Hsiung


Filmography (1968-1993) Action Director (15 films) Actor (143 films)


Devil Cat
A murderous feline creature seeks revenge against the deedents of Chow Sung who savagely raped an innocent virgin in ancient China.
Драконы на башне Шаолиня
После своего вторжения в Тайвань в 1874, японцы объединяются со зловещим тонгом, чтобы провести турнир боевых искусств, и уничтожить главных борцов региона, ломая, таким образом, дух китайского патриотизма.
The Golden Mask
Murdered man
Life takes a turn for Chi Kwan Chun after he accepts a contract from the mysterious "Golden Mask". The "mark" turns out to be Chi's brother and after unwittingly …
The Face Behind the Mask
When the three most feared fighters in the land are defeated by The First Family and leader Chen Tien Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World, the treachery that follows will find the noble leader attempting to uncover the traitor that has poisoned the clan from the inside in a dazzling martial arts epic from Chen Chi Hua. "Militant Dragon and Tiger," "Devil Stars," and "Three Horrid Mice" have tormented the countryside for far too long. Upon their defeat at the hands of the First Family, Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World by the grateful population of the Chinese countryside. His house subsequently beset upon by a malevolent band of anonymous fighters and vengeful wizards who seek to destabilize Wei's reign, Wei must now seek out the betrayer who lurks in his midst and restore his honor before his rule collapses under the weight of disloyalty
The Face Behind the Mask
When the three most feared fighters in the land are defeated by The First Family and leader Chen Tien Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World, the treachery that follows will find the noble leader attempting to uncover the traitor that has poisoned the clan from the inside in a dazzling martial arts epic from Chen Chi Hua. "Militant Dragon and Tiger," "Devil Stars," and "Three Horrid Mice" have tormented the countryside for far too long. Upon their defeat at the hands of the First Family, Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World by the grateful population of the Chinese countryside. His house subsequently beset upon by a malevolent band of anonymous fighters and vengeful wizards who seek to destabilize Wei's reign, Wei must now seek out the betrayer who lurks in his midst and restore his honor before his rule collapses under the weight of disloyalty
The Shaolin Brothers
Complicated mix of Chinese history and myth, where old Shaolin friends find themselves on different sides, one a Ching general, and the other faithful to Ming.
The place: Shanghai. The time: 1921. The Japanese aggression towards China is getting stronger each day. Enter Hsueh Ao-Lin, an agent of the government sent to uncover the Chinese traitors helping the enemy. Once inside, Hsueh must fight both the Japanese and his countrymen for his sake, and the future of China.
Вечная слава
Трогательная и захватывающая военная драма, описывающая героические деяния генерала Чанг Цу-чунга (Chang Tsu-chung), которого высоко ценили и даже называли «Китайским Марсом», и его японского противника - генерала Итагаки (Itagaki) во время китайско-японской войны.
Новый кулак ярости
Сиквел к «Кулаку ярости» с Брюсом Ли начинается там же, где заканчивается оригинальный фильм. Оставшиеся три соратника героя Брюса Ли, убитого в первом фильме, уезжают из Шанхая на Тайвань, чтобы продолжить там свою борьбу с японскими захватчиками. В это время там появляется новый начальник-японец, большой специалист по боевым искусствам, который решает взять под свою юрисдикцию все школы китайских боевых искусств, что, естественно, не нравится китайцам.
The Fantastic Magic Baby
In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.
File of Heroes
The Japanese are at it again but this time a hero stands in their way: Ching Yi!
Пять мастеров Шаолиня
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Bamboo Brotherhood
Yu Tien Lung returns to his hometown to avenge the murder of his parents, a task in which he is prepared himself for by studying martial arts for twenty years. His resolution wavers when, after successfully killing the lesser villains, he falls in love with the daughter of the enemy. Will he now be able to take revenge for his parents’ murder?
A Sword Renounced
Also known as The Blind Swordsman's Revenge, this is Zatoichi Versus The Flying Guillotine (1972). Zatoichi is "born Wu Ching Hui, he was kidnapped by pirates as a youth and taken to Japan, where he learned his cane sword skills. He appears to be widely known in China by his Japanese name, but as the film opens he is just returning to China to look up his long-lost brother, Tieh Hou. To his dismay, he learns that the brother has been killed in a sword duel with one Chu Yen Jieh. The grief-stricken prodigal blubbers in mourning and vows revenge."
Win Them All
Filial daughter seeks revenge on father's killer. She must associate with dishonest people to finance her mission.
Seven Indignant
The Righteous Club of Chinese martial artists meet to drive out the evil Japanese invaders but first they must overcome their own personal differences.
The Eight Dragon Swords
Kong Ban plays a young swordsman who is tricked into stealing the Fire Dragon Magic Ball from Carefree Mansion's Master Hua. Chen Hung Lieh is the villain of the story, playing a masked killer who seeks the magic ball for his own profit. In the end fight, Kong Ban has to master the eight dragon swords to save the daughter of Master Hua.
The Story of Daisy
Part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Duel with Samurai
During the Ming dynasty in China, the coastal areas were rampant. A Wokou who refers himself as the Nippon Ronin (Chan Hung-lit), colludes with the coastal local tyrants of Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces, along with cult religious groups. They occupy Baiyunzhuang and plundered everywhere. Young warrior Fan Chen-tung (Kong Ban) leads a resistance group to retaliate which prompts the Chinese martial world to share the same hatred against the Japanese and tyrants.
Martial Arts Choreographer
shaw production
The Flying Swordsgirl
The traditional martial-arts action film Flying Swordsgirl offers a wealth of fights involving a variety of weaponry while telling the tale of a woman who learns to battle against the men.