Paula Arundell

Paula Arundell


Paula Arundell


Спящие псы
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После лечения провалов в памяти бывший детектив по расследованию убийств пересматривает дело десятилетней давности, связанное с жестоким убийством профессора колледжа.
Nurse Jean
У этой девушки есть невероятный дар — она может забирать у людей тревогу и страх очищая их души. Но у каждого дара есть цена.
Боги Египта
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Некогда мирное и процветающее египетское царство погружается в хаос: беспощадный бог тьмы Сет убивает своего брата Осириса и узурпирует трон. Вызов ему неожиданно бросает простой смертный, находчивый молодой вор. Чтобы вернуть к жизни свою прекрасную возлюбленную, ему приходится заручиться поддержкой могущественного и мстительного бога Гора. Лишь выдержав испытание на прочность и принеся в жертву все самое дорогое, им удастся противостоять Сету и его приспешникам в мире живых и мире мертвых.
The Cartographer
Polly (voice)
A girl adrift in a storm in a sea of letters finds herself tossed into a world of mysterious motives, uncertain geography and desperate times. Polly has mapped the entire world. Almost. There is one last, lost city to go. But to know this place is to destroy it and this city's residents have other plans. Polly has to decide what's where, what's right and how to get out.
Silent Storm
From 1957 to 1978, scientists secretly removed bone samples from over 21,000 dead Australians as they searched for evidence of the deadly poison, Strontium 90 - a by-product of nuclear testing. Silent Storm reveals the story behind this astonishing case of officially sanctioned "body-snatching". Set against a backdrop of the Cold War, the saga follows celebrated scientist, Hedley Marston, as he attempts to blow the whistle on radioactive contamination and challenge official claims that British atomic tests posed no threat to the Australian people. Marston's findings are not only disputed, he is targeted as "a scientist of counter-espionage interest". Now, questions are being raised about the health repercussions for generations of Australians.
Sample People
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
Diana & Me
Australian Diana Spencer wins a competition in a women's magazine, and as a prize gets a trip for two to London, where she wants to meet her idol and namesake, Princess Diana. She goes there with her fiance, Mark, but during the garden party the Princess plans to attend, things get mixed up and Aussie Diana gets arrested with Paparazzi photographer Rob. Diana really wants to meet the Princess and follows Rob as he searches for Princess Di to take some photos.