Billy May


Гроши с неба
Чикаго 30-х гг. Молодому человеку нужны деньги на расширение бизнеса. Он уговаривает жену пустить в дело деньги ее отца…
The Return of the Beverly Hillbillies
Jed Clamplett and his backwoods family help solve an energy crisis in their own rustic ways for their Beverly Hills neighborhood they still cannot adjust to.
Little Mo
Biopic about tennis great Maureen Connolly who, as a teenager, was the first woman to win the Grand Slam of Tennis, became world-renowned as "Little Mo," and died of cancer in 1969 at the age of 34.
The Specialists
Original Music Composer
Inspectors for the U.S. Public Health Service try to track down the cause of a rash of mysterious ailments suddenly appearing among the general populace.
The Ballad of Andy Crocker
Original Music Composer
Returning Vietnam veteran Andy Crocker arrives in his small hometown to discover his best friend and business partner has mismanaged their business into bankruptcy and his high school sweetheart has married another man. It is evident his small town has little to offer him except the hard-working life of his father, while the broader world has limited opportunities for a man who left school after the third grade.
The Pigeon
Original Music Composer
A private eye is hired to protect a young woman who has a black book on a crime syndicate.
Mitzi's 2nd Special
Music Arranger
Mitzi Gaynor opens her second special with a dazzling performance of "Let Go." Additional songs include "Poor Papa," and "What'll I Do." She welcomes guest star Ross Martin (The Wild, Wild, West) for a musical-comedy spoof of Gone with the Wind. Other comedy skits include Mitzi as "The Kid" describing a school recital, and as a Hungarian Gypsy performing "Those Were the Days."
Девушка в цементе
Частный детектив Тони Ром бороздит океан на своей яхте. Яхту он выиграл, так как азартные игры — важная часть его жизни. Заработок Тони очень нужен, и он берется за расследование гибели молодой женщины. Как обычно, полицейские вмешиваются и осложняют дело.
The Secret Life of an American Wife
Original Music Composer
A bored housewife poses as a call girl for a movie star sex-symbol, hoping she can prove to her husband, the star's agent, that she is still desirable to other men and thereby, rekindle the spark in their marriage.
Dick Tracy - The Plot To Kill NATO
Dick Tracy must save a trio of ambassadors who have been kidnapped by Mr. Memory. Pilot for Dick Tracy TV show from Batman's William Dozier.
The Pleasure Seekers
A trio of gorgeous American tourists hope to find love while vacationing in Spain. Secretary Maggie Williams falls hard for a married newsman named Paul Barton while fighting off the advances of one of his employees. Singer Fran Hobson sets her sights on a handsome European doctor. And coed Susie Higgins receives an unexpected proposal from smooth-talking womanizer Emilio Lacaya.
Sergeants 3
Original Music Composer
Mike, Chip, and Larry are three lusty, brawling U. S. Cavalry sergeants stationed in Indian Territory in 1870.
Ночной кошмар
Music Arranger
Музыкант был загипнотизирован для совершения преступления. Когда он просыпается, то пытается узнать правду с помощью своего шурина, который является полицейским.
Длинноногий папочка
Юркая и смышленая Джуди воспитывается в сиротском приюте. Когда она достигает 18-летнего возраста, у нее появляется таинственный опекун, решивший оплатить ее обучение в колледже, при условии, что девушка никогда не будет пытаться увидеть его. Джуди не подозревает, что ее благодетель — миллионер Джервис Пенделтон, влюбившийся в нее с первого взгляда…
Полька для Вуди
Чтобы бесплатно поесть, Вуди переодевается в девушку, чтобы обмануть билетера Уолли.
Home Sweet Homicide
Mystery writer Marian Carstairs is hard at work trying to finish her latest novel. Her three children meanwhile are entertaining themselves by trying to solve a murder in their own neighborhood. In between gathering clues, the kids play matchmaker by trying to fix up their widowed mom with the handsome detective investigating the case.
Tara, The Stonecutter
An animated cartoon dramatizing a Japanese folktale about a stone-cutter whose successive wishes to be a rich man, an emperor, the sun, a storm cloud, and a mountain are all granted, until finally he wishes to become himself again and is a happy man.