Shuang Hu


Five Blind Dates
A romantic comedy about a Chinese-Australian tea shop owner whose fate of her business and love life lies in one of her next five dates.
Five Blind Dates
Lia Ling
A romantic comedy about a Chinese-Australian tea shop owner whose fate of her business and love life lies in one of her next five dates.
После личной трагедии агент ЦРУ Тара Кройдон решается на операцию, которая должна превратить ее в суперагента. Теперь с помощью инъекций ДНК она может принимать облик любого человека. Она вездесуща и практически неуязвима. Но постепенно она осознает, что, превращаясь в других, она все больше утрачивает саму себя. Девушка начинает сомневаться в том, кто она на самом деле, каков истинный смысл ее миссий и каковы мотивы ее босса. Тара решает докопаться до правды.
Beyond the Reef
Shuang Hu takes audiences on a journey to explore the versatile and spectacular landscape of Far North Queensland, world-renowned for the Great Barrier Reef and its precious ecosystems.
Бичи в Майами
Detective Jacky Lin
Ион и Илие, два молодых парня из мрачного румынского города, преследуя американскую мечту, посреди зимы отправляются в Майами, чтобы быстро разбогатеть.
Zuckerturd clings to former glory as the Blinkers crew weathers Executive Order 9066. Love and loss through generations.
Nice Package
Twitter Fan
A wannabe professional thief has an epic fail when he's caught stealing a package and forced to take a young woman as hostage back to his gay friend's house where, despite pressure from his deranged, yoga-loving boss, he can't dispense with her and instead the three face a bunch of quirky thugs sent by the boss who will do anything to get his hands on the mysterious package.
Partly Cloudy with Sunny Spells
Two friends, founders of a cooperative that produce couches and that it is found in a situation of bankruptcy, a night, while they are digging for hiding some stems that it would cost too much to digest, they discover some oil. This will make contradictions and conflicts explode among the two.
Meantal Health Girls
Trinity is the new girl at school and quickly discovers that run-ins with these popular girls aren't what you'd expect.