The story of poet Aleksa Santic, visionary and romanticist, great loser in private life. The poet was born in strict patriarchal, rich trading family from Mostar, in conservative social environment, in controversial times in the end of XIX and beginning of XX century. As a young man, he falls in love with the Slavonian girl, Anka Tomlinovic, daughter of poor photographer, leaving her under pressure of his family. Later, he meets Zorka Solina, young and rich girl from Mostar who, again because of the interests of her family, leaves the poet. In his mature years, Aleksa Santic engages himself passionately in social and political life of his age. Disappointments, poverty, sickness and loneliness follow. And the certainty of early death. His older brother tells the story of poet's life, while he is dying.
По одноименному роману Грозданы Олуич. Родители Слободана разошлись. Каждый из них завел новую семью, а Слободан в обоих семьях чувствует себя чужим. Единственное его утешение - любимая девушка Рашида. Но ее отец настроен против Слободана и отправляет дочь в другой город. Слободан, для которого любовь к Рашиде стала смыслом жизни, отправляется на поиски любимой.