Fred Carlton Ryle


Singing in the Dark
Makeup Artist
Leo, a holocaust survivor who suffers from total amnesia, comes to the U.S. and works as a hotel desk clerk. One night while a comedian who owns a bar in the hotel gives him a drink, he breaks out in song and discovers a great voice. Under a psychiatrist's treatment, and because of a blow to the head by some hoodlums, he realizes his name is David and that he was the son of a great Jewish Cantor, and gradually recovers his memory of losing his parents. He gives up a promising career singing in nightclubs to return to the synagogue.
В порту
Makeup Supervisor
В центре сюжета судьба простого докера — Терри Мэллоу, терзающегося сомнениями и решающего встать на путь восстановления справедливости, после того как выясняется, что он работает на настоящего гангстера — коррумпированного босса портовых докеров Джонни Фрэндли.
Lost Boundaries
Makeup Artist
A light-skinned African-American family are "passing" in an all-white New England town. When the truth comes out, the more prejudiced neighbors demand their expulsion from the community.
That Man of Mine
Makeup Artist
Featuring the swinging sounds of the all-woman band The International Sweethearts of Rhythm and a young Ruby Dee, the 1946 musical showcases tenderness in romance and community through a series of musical numbers. The loosely connected plot follows film producers hoping to cast a stand-out actress for their next film.
The Crime of Doctor Crespi
Makeup Artist
A crazed scientist invents a serum that induces a catatonic state in anyone who gets the injection. He uses the serum to paralyze his enemies, in order to bury them alive.
Sorrell and Son
Makeup Artist
Stephen Sorrell, a decorated war hero, raises his son Kit alone after Kit's mother deserts husband and child in the boy's infancy. Sorrell loses a promising job offer and is forced to take work as a menial. Both his dignity and his health are damaged as he suffers under the exhausting labor and harsh treatment he receives as a hotel porter. But Sorrell thrives in the knowledge that his son will benefit from his labors. Sorrell has allowed the boy to believe his mother dead, but when the mother shows up, wanting to re-enter the young man's life, Sorrell must make hard decisions.
Паровоз генерал
Makeup Artist
Юного Джонни Грэя в армию Конфедерации не взяли, а его возлюбленная Аннабел Ли отвергает его, обозвав трусом. Тем не менее, он со своим «напарником» паровозом утирает всем нос, выигрывая сражение. Джонни воюет с угонщиками поезда, непослушной пушкой и непредсказуемой силой судьбы.