Jason Kemp is a quadriplegic who passes the time spying on his neighbors from his window. By chance he catches one of them, Julian Thorpe, beating his wife and reports it to the police. He becomes certain that Julian has killed her, but fails to convince his nurse or his friends of any foul play.
Впечатляющая сага о чернокожем лидере Малкольме Иксе. Он начинал в Гарлеме как гангстер, погрязал в пороке, но попав в тюрьму, очистился от скверны под влиянием идей ислама. Очень детальный и достоверный показ всех перипетий жизни и борьбы Малкольма Икса с расизмом, коррупцией, беззаконием, предательством в стане единомышленников.
Rita Diaz
Eight young people from Ohio who are dancers, come to New York, to compete in a major talent competition. But when they get there, they learn that they have to wait some time before they take part in it. So they try to do their best to survive in the Big Apple before competition, and get some lessons about the real World.