Suhas brings Rakesh to Kolkata Race Course at Hastings, the largest horse race venue in India. The latter knows which horse is going to win. Based on Samaresh Majumdar's first novel.
A happy family has debts to pay.
A good-hearted taxi-driver (Amol Palelar) goes out of his way to help his customers, and when times turn bad for him, and he has no one to turn to, his former customers come to assistance. The other priority on his shoulders is to marry - but before that he must accomplish himself.
Two young lovers are assisted by Reshma, a woman who has loved and lost, and a trio of comical eccentrics, to overcome opposition to their marriage.
Anand (Feroz Khan) is a London returned teacher who has sought employment in a local school in India. His co-teachers are Geeta (Asha Parekh), Girdharilal (Jankidas), Pandey (Asit Sen), Lalita (Lalita Kumari), and Principal (Brahm Bhardwaj). Anand's students, though fairly mature, lack sex education, and he discusses this at length with the other teachers and the Principal, and he is met with opposition. Anand is attracted to Geeta, but Geeta shows no interest in him. Several female students are attracted to Anand. Anand naively is openly friendly with all his students, however, Anand faces trouble when one of his female students becomes pregnant, and he is accused of raping her.
The Indian Girl
Идя по следу своего старого врага Блюфельда, Бонд оказывается в Португалии, где он безумно влюбляется в необыкновенно красивую девушку, которая ко всему прочему является дочерью короля преступного мира. Используя связи своего потенциального свекра, он обнаруживает секретную лабораторию, замаскированную под частную клинику, где Блюфельд разрабатывает новый смертоносный вирус. Возлюбленная Бонда попадает в лапы к негодяю и теперь одним махом Бонд может спасти человечество от вымирания, доказать девушке серьезность своих отношений, свести счеты с Блюфельдом.