Rachel flees NYC after another traumatic breakup and arrives at her parents' home in San Diego. They are adamant to see their wayward daughter settle down with a nice girl. Rachel goes on several blind dates that misfire badly. She finally lets her mother set her up with Christine, a typical Californian girl. Much to Rachel's chagrin, mom is right! Meanwhile, Rachel's friends wait for her to screw up the relationship. They know, even if she won't admit it, that she still carries a torch for her ex-girlfriend and they're not sure what would happen if she reappeared to reclaim Rachel.
Pixie is cursed with turning into a Pterodactyl when her husband is caught messing with bones on an ancient burial ground. Her husband, children, friends, and neighbours must come to terms with Pixie's new "look". Her only chance to return to her normal state is to find the shaman who inflicted the curse on her.
В последний день перед свадьбой водитель школьного автобуса Рик решает собрать всех друзей на последнюю отвязную вечеринку по принципу «пива и женщин много не бывает». Его невеста Дебби берет ситуацию под свои контроль и возглавляет отряд верных подружек, направляющихся на мальчишник.
Роберт Хейс исполняет роль бывшего военного летчика, оказавшегося на борту самолета, экипаж которого из-за пищевого отравления оказался не в состоянии управлять аэробусом. Хейс вместе со стюардессой вынуждены стать спасителями пестрой компании пассажиров, оказавшихся на грани гибели. Новоявленного пилота и его помощницу ждут немыслимые трудности и невероятные приключения.
The dream began 20 years ago, when a young pinsetter watched a star bowler win a championship. Now, Harold (Dreamer) Nuttingham has a chance to attain his dream — to win the Tournament of Champions and buy his own lanes. But what price will he pay? The woman he loves sees only that his dream re-locates her to second place in his life; Harry White, his friend and mentor pushes him to become the champion Harry wanted to be — and never was. Torn between ambition and love, Dreamer fights to have both.
A happy-go-lucky veterinary student, paralyzed for life in a college polo meet, finds love with a young woman who leaves her fiancée to help him overcome his handicap.
Members of a town's Jewish community decide to substitute for their Christian friends and neighbors so they can enjoy Christmas. The good folk humorously attempt jobs they have never done before.
Чэнс Бакмен, лидер пожарной команды, специализирующейся на тушении наиболее опасных возгораний на нефтяных месторождениях, получает государственный контракт на ликвидацию пожаров в зоне военных действий.