Sound Design Assistant
An army conscript fights his way through a series of hallucinatory scenarios in which he is confronted by a series of bizarre attackers - who, one by one, turn out to be his army friends.
Sound Designer
92 сюжета о людях, которые подверглись ЗОВу – Загадочному Ожесточенному Воздействию – и остались в живых: кто-то начал говорить на незнакомых языках, кто-то потерял связь с реальностью, иные просто-напросто превратились в птиц. И все их фамилии начинались с букв “Fall...” (то есть «падение»)
A gay teacher is forced to hide his sexuality by day while living his secret life by night, in Great Britain in the 1970s, not mixing his professional and private life, until the day comes when his students and his headmaster find out.