Production Design
An apocalyptic story of three wars in three film tales encompassing the end of the WWI,WWII, as well as a vision of the world destroyed by nuclear weapons. This film was honored at the film festivals in Venice and Sorrento. Immediately after that the copy with Italian subtitles was locked in a safe as evidence of the anti-communist activities of the director, who used real footage of the Soviet invasion.
Production Design
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak director Peter Solan and Czech director Zbynìk Brynych shot three different stories. The result was an extraordinary experiment in the world cinema, which we can call an insight in the relationships of men and women of different age groups, an analysis of love and marriage of those who are at the beginning, in the middle or going towards the end of their life."
Production Design
Production Design
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to defend themselves, but when they find out that nobody believes them - neither the school principal nor even their own parents - they decide to accomplish what they have been falsely accused of. And although their clumsy attempts are mostly comic, at one point they almost cause a big tragedy.
Production Design
Juraj, a Slovak artist living in Prague, takes stock in his life, realizing that his days pass without purpose. He lives a carefree life. But now he has to choose between two women, between the city and the country, and between creative work and craftsmanship. He has a passion for art but he also has to make a living. Through his relationships with close people, he grows aware of his position and this knowledge helps him to live a more fulfilling and better life.
Production Design
Production Design
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to be targets of Ottoman raids. But their attraction to the same woman and Emil’s betrayal change their indissoluble friendship to an equally strong hatred. And as it usually goes - after twenty years by a trick of fate Richardus’ daughter Agajka becomes the wife ofthe sun of his sworn enemy.
Production Design
Two female clerks using up their savings to enjoy a few days of carefree life, two plumbers looking for an erotic adventure, a building contractor determined to drink away all wages of his workers and a former major who became an alcoholic due to political persecution — these people meet in a ski resort bar somewhere in the High Tatras. During one night they gradually reveal their unfulfilled dreams, illusions and disappointments of ”average" people of those times.
Production Design
In this bitingly satirical film Peter Slovan, a continuous source of trouble for the film functionaries of the socialist Slovakia, tackles an evergreen topic – the corruptive effects of power. Barnabáš Kos, a triangle player at a symphonic orchestra, is suddenly promoted to serve as the head of the said institution, even though both he and his superiors deem him completely unfit for the task. Encouraged in equal parts by this unexpected recognition and the servile praise of his colleagues, Kos’s modesty starts to gradually vanish. The erstwhile bashful and aloof percussionist quickly becomes aware of the advantages of his new office, and begins to realise his increasingly ludicrous artistic ambitions. Ultimately, the submissive marionette turns into a source of public humiliation, and his astonishing career finds an abrupt end. Orchestra serves here as a microcosm that grotesquely reflects the absurd and tragicomic mechanisms of the paranoid apparatus of power.
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
A movie built up of three stories about life in a small Slovak town. The Prosecutor: the district attorney is a jazz orchestra soloist at the same time and that is much disliked by the local provincial society. The Defender: is about a young doctor's relation to his patient, who is open about his reactionary opinions. The Judge: it is only after long years that the old judge realizes that his own marriage is in jeopardy.
Production Design
О национальном герое словацкого народа Юро Яношике, поднявшем в XVIII веке знамя борьбы за счастье и свободу простых людей.
Production Design
A bricklayer, Jozef Haviar, decides to live with his family on the small farm of his father through the difficult years of the economic crisis. But on his return to his father's house he gets into a conflict with his brother. The life-and-death conflict between the two brothers documents the difficult situation of Slovak country life in the 1930s, the time of economic depression.
Production Design
Production Design
Действие происходит в словацких горах в конце Второй Мировой войны. Фильм состоит из шести коротких рассказов, которые, однако, образуют единое повествование. Действие первого рассказа происходит летом 1944 года, последнего - весной 1945. Главные герои фильма - трое деревенских мальчишек разного возраста: Рудка, Винс и Мартин. Их глазами мы воспринимаем все события, произошедшие в фильме.
Production Design
On this naive and awkwardly narrated fairy tale it is remarkable that it also established the tradition of fairy tale stories in Slovakia. A certain refinement is the framing of the whole story with a puppet show that moves into the played scenes. The film carries out a folk tale of a stupid castle lord who lives in a ruined castle, a fraudulent painter and a lazy shepherd.
Set Designer
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Production Design
Капитан Дабач служил в словацких частях гитлеровской армии, видел зверства и бессмысленную жестокость фашистов. Он всегда бездумно подчинялся приказам. Но однажды он не выполнил приказа и отказался расстреливать беззащитное население маленькой украинской деревни. Его судили, приговорили к расстрелу. Дабачу удалось бежать, и он примкнул к партизанам. В дни национального восстания против оккупантов Дабач был одним из его активных участников.
Production Design
Действие происходит во время национального восстания 1944 года. В словацком селе погибли два немецких солдата. Командир немецкой части (Ладислав Худик) объявил, что за каждого убитого солдата будут расстреляны пять заложников. И не меняет своего решения, когда становится известно, что солдаты погибли из-за несчастного случая. Но крестьяне не ждут покорно своей судьбы - они берутся за оружие...
Production Design
У Петера и Лены вскоре после свадьбы родилась дочь Зузка. Лена окончила театральную школу и хочет играть, но в городе, где они жили, нет в театре вакантных мест, и она вынуждена поступить в разъездную труппу. Месяцами Лены не бывает дома. Петер и Зузка очень скучают по ней. Как-то Петер встретил Эву и полюбил ее. Узнав об этом, Лена возвращается в город, чтобы больше уже никогда не расставаться со своей семьей.
Production Design
Production Designer
Военная драма, рассказывающая историю 71-го Тренчианского полка, из-за которого во время Первой мировой войны началось восстание против австро-венгерского командования. Произошли события фильма «Сорок четыре» неподалеку от сербского города Крагуевац. Картина основана на реальных событиях.
Production Design
Episodic film consisting of three satirical shorts ('Smutný káder', 'Typický prípad' and 'Vel'korysá kampaň') comically exposing the shortcomings of society. In the interval between each short, a committee recognising themselves in the characters on screen, voice their approval or disapproval of each film.
Production Design
Production Design
Assistant Production Design
Slovak movie is based on the novel by the prominent representative of Slovak prose František Hečka, who was in 1952 awarded the State Prize. The novel and the movie successfully capture the development of Slovak village after the liberation in 1945. The narrative is centred around the characters of the old Púplava, who after the liberation begins to organise a new village life, and his struggle for the construction of settlements Mrzáčky, burnt by the fascists. It is centred around the conflict, greatly reflecting the situation of the countryside at this time: the conflict between the rural poor and the rural rich. In the movie, a rich personal and emotional life of other heroes pulsate besides the main storyline. The movie ends with the final defeat of the reactionary forces by Communists in February 1948, taking over all power in the state of workers and peasants. - "The Wooden Village" is released in celebration of the 7th anniversary of the Communist February Victory.