Omar Pini


Танго на двоих
Vecino Conventillo
1930-е. Буэнос-Айрес. Неповторимый колорит и полная страсти музыка аргентинского танго. Хуанита, яростная поклонница популярного певца танго и киноактера Карлоса Гарделя, выходит замуж за молодого провинциального певца Ренцо Франкини, который, пользуясь своим удивительным сходством с Гарделем, успешно исполняет его песни.
Despertar de pasiones
Fuerza Máxima
Enfermero de día, camarero de noche
Abierto de 18 a 24
El caso Matías
In 1965, a man named Matías is taken to a psychiatric hospital, after being found at the streets, "in the company of homosexuals and in a state of intoxication by alcohol and drugs". His documentation says he's 41 years old and born in Poland. He says his mother was an aristocrat. His arrival will have a profound impact on the institution and, especially, on one of the doctors.
Win 392
A young Spanish woman who has newly moved to Berlin finds her flirtation with a local guy turn potentially deadly as their night out with his friends reveals a dangerous secret.