Tullo Parmegiani


Il cardinale Lambertini
Papal aspirant "Cardinal Lamberti" has to tread a fine line between the powerful Duke of Montimar and doing the right thing by a young couple in love in late 1730s Bologna.
Naples 1821. Alphonse, a young poet belonging to a noble French family, is caught by a storm at sea. Fortunately the boat manage to reach the shores of Procida, where Alphonse is welcomed by the family of Andrea. Here he meets the beautiful Graziella.
Сто серенад
Богатый американский промышленник, Дик Нельсон, приезжает в Италию со своей невестой Вивьен. Только приехав, Дик сталкивается с красавицей-цветочницей Марией… После нескольких случайных встреч между ними возникает симпатия, переходящая в… Но у Марии есть жених, которого она любит...
L'incantevole nemica
The owner of a cheese factory fears communists and mistakes a meek youth who works for him for one of them. He invites him to his house to win his confidence and the youth falls in love with his daughter.
Farewell, My Beautiful Lady!
Guido and Cristina fall in love, but she is betrothed to a solider. When he is reported killed they hope to marry, but his reappearance without his limbs makes matters difficult for all concerned.
The Eternal Chain
As the Legion Etrangère puts in at Napoli, legionnaire Walter escapes from the ship to meet a woman he still loves ,in spite of his five years away from home.
Молодой Карузо
По мотивам новеллы Франка Тисса "Неаполитанская легенда". В 15 лет, после смерти матери, он начал зарабатывать на жизнь, выступая на церковных праздниках, а потом, во время службы в армии, произвел своим голосом такое впечатление на начальство, что ему был предоставлен учитель пения. Оперный дебют Карузо состоялся 16 ноября 1894 года.
Spring song
The Mill on the Po
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.
City of Pain
The city of Pola is being evacuated after the peace conference of 1947 decided to assign the sovereignty to Tito's Yugoslavia. However the main character decides to stay, thinking that Communism might bring him a better future. Life turns to be hard for him and his family until he changes his mind, but he is killed before he can leave the country.
Without Pity
An Italian sex worker falls in love with a black American soldier during World War II.
В 1946 году итальянский режиссер Витторио Де Сика поставил фильм "Шуша", посвящённый судьбе двух беспризорных мальчиков в послевоенной Италии. Обращённый к социальной проблематике и проникнутый сочувствием к обездоленным, "Шуша" стал одним из первых неореалистических фильмов и принёс своим создателям славу не только в Италии, но и во всём мире. В 1948 году "Шуша" получил Оскара как лучший иностранный фильм. Шуша (Sciuscia) – это искаженное итальянское произношение английского слова "Shoeshine" (чистильщик обуви). Этим фильмом начинается знаменитая тетралогия Витторио Де Сика. Несмотря на всемирную известность, в России фильм не демонстрировался.
Two Anonymous Letters
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
The Gorgon
1017 AD. The Republic of Pisa is organizing a fleet to drive out the Saracens who are infesting the Mediterranean. While the forces are away "The Gorgon," the young daughter of a Pisan nobleman who has been heroically killed, comes to be solemnly invested as the figurehead virgin who will maintain a lantern to celebrate the men's victorious return. In charge of the home guard is an ambitious young Florentine who feels deprived of the forthcoming honour and glory, and who seeks revenge by violating the sacred person of the virgin. He gains access to her well guarded quarters, but when the Gorgon falls helplessly in love with him, his desire for vengeance falls away. His plot exposed, he commits suicide rather than invoke the wrath of the Pisans. The Gorgon too takes her life by throwing herself from a high tower. Meanwhile, the victorious Pisan vessels return.
Tragic Night
Released from jail, Nanni punches prison guard Stefano who has denounced him. In order to take revenge, Stefano suggests the suspicion that, during his absence, his wife has had business with the Count Paolo. A few days later, at night, a deadly ambush will be prepared. Based on the novel The Trap (1928) by Toscan Delfino Cinelli.
Il bazar delle idee
Annna, a rich lady, decides to finance in great secrecy a singular enterprise: the founding of a real center for the creation of ideas, directed by Mario Morelli, a poet and songwriter perpetually waiting for great success, and a painter, Enrico Bovio, who cannot find the inspiration or the model for a portrait of a woman he wants to finish. Both are short of money and, convinced of the brilliance of their ideas, wish to open that bizarre business, called precisely the "Bazaar of Ideas".