Tormented by the memories of her late-husband's suicide, Vanessa's life is further complicated by the arrival of her step-son, who will soon inherit all of his father's wealth.
Informant Cousin
Детектив из Лос-Анджелеса Эрин Белл вынуждена столкнуться с демонами своего прошлого, когда новое дело внезапно проливает свет на страшные события минувших дней.
When lesbian toker Marcy returns to her grandparents' home to help care for her mentally declining grandmother, she discovers they are being terrorized by a malevolent force from a Victorian postmortem photograph.
A long-dormant blood feud between two families reignites when Lucas -- a bright, college-bound young man tries to escape a violent rural town but is first forced to avenge his father's death at the hands of the vicious local crime boss.
Sisters Maggie and Lizzie move in with mom Peg's new husband. Secrets and lies start immediately. Maggie cannot handle what follows and recruits a friend to help her plan to get out of town with her step father's secrets. When Peg discovers that her daughter has run away, she now has to find Maggie fast but must come to terms with the dark secrets that led to Maggie's fleeing and the secrets about her new husband.
A couple hiking Mount Whitney runs into a group of mountain men who develop a dark obsession with the young woman.
Pink Guy
Дорис Миллер - типичный Нью-Йоркский офисный работник в возрасте за шестьдесят, после смерти своей матери начинает посещать семинары по самопомощи. Приняв советы от гуру мотивации, Дорис становится сексуально одержимой своим новым коллегой Джоном, который вдвое её моложе.