Marjatta Nissinen

Рождение : 1954-05-06, Kuopio, Finland


Laugh or Die
Costume Design
Parikka, the actor once called the Funniest Man in Finland, and his troupe are about to be executed for the atrocities committed during the Civil War in Finland. Jaeger Lieutenant Nyborg, an admirer of Parikka, suspects a definite miscarriage of justice. He wants to save the actors. The forthcoming visit of the German General von der Goltz to the prison island provides him with a suitable opportunity. Nyborg suggests that the actors prepare a comical performance for the visitor and not be shot. Instead, they will be given a new trial. Preparing a comedy in the horrible circumstances, in the midst of hunger and death, seems quite an overwhelming task. Only a handful of real actors are still alive, the rest of the troupe consists of stagehands. Parikka has to use all his inventive skills to be able to produce something funny.
Неизвестный солдат
Costume Design
Фильм о событиях Русско-финской войны (1941-44 гг.), начиная с отвоевания Карелии и заканчивая полным разгромом Финляндии.
Costume Design
Фильм — биография шведской королевы Кристины (1626 — 1689). Твердый характер сочетался в ней с ненасытной жаждой знаний. Она требовала немедленного исполнения всех своих желаний и была склонна к экстравагантным поступкам, шокировавшим ее окружение. Все время на престоле она враждовала с Советом, стремившимся ограничить власть монарха. Совет желал маленькую победоносную войну, а королева решила строить в Стокгольме самую большую библиотеку в Европе. Совет требовал от нее выйти замуж, но Кристина заявляла, что не желает иметь детей. Возмущенная поведением королевы аристократия решает отстранить ее от власти…
Vares - The Kiss of Evil
Costume Design
A young college student is found stabbed to death,and private detective Vares life takes an interesting turn when the girls family asks him to investigate the case.
Тали – Ихантала 1944
Costume Design
Этот фильм повествует о тяжёлых и упорных боях в районе Тали — Ихантала, о героических финских солдатах, защищавших одно из главных направлений от ударов доблестной Красной Армии, в период с 24 по 30 июня 1944 года.
The Border
Costume Design
The young man must set up a clear border between Finland and Russia, white and red, enemy and friend, us and them. While the task seems clear he finds out the execution of his command in concrete situations is very difficult. Right choices turn out to be wrong ones and correcting them make things worse.
Spy Games
Costume Design
A romantic suspense-comedy about CIA agent Harry (Bill Pullman) and SVR agent Natasha (Irene Jacob) fighting to save the world, their lives and secret love in the post cold war Helsinki
The Well
Costume Design
This very serious drama, based on a true incident, explores the unremitting labor which put a young mother living in rural isolation into the situation of being charged with having thrown her children down a well. Her husband is an unimaginative, work-obsessed man who cannot see that her constant hard work without any support or sympathy from anyone is driving the sensitive woman to consider suicide. When the loutish fellow discovers that his wife and three children are missing, he calls the police, and a manhunt begins. The police discover the oldest boy alive, and find that the mother tried to drown herself, but has survived. The two younger children remained missing.
Moonlight Sonata II: The Street Sweepers
Costume Design
Sequel to Kuutamosonaatti (1988).
The New Adventures of That Kiljunen Family
Costume Design
That Kiljunen familys sets out find their two missing family members, who have been sent to Tampere by the Matalamäki boarding school for retraining due to poor school performance.
The Moonlight Sonata
Costume Design
A female fashion model Anni Stark takes leave from the fashion business and goes to Finland's Lapland for a vacation. Little does she know that there's a totally lunatic bunch of local hillbillies living in a nearby farmhouse. The plot thickens as one of the residents begins to harass Anni, who is left alone in the wilderness with only her dog to protect her. Too bad for her that her dog turns out to have divided loyalties.
Парк Горького
Valerya Davidova
Московский следователь расследует убийство трех человек в парке Горького. Он выясняет, что никто не заинтересован в раскрытии этого преступления, потому что это только верхушка преступного заговора, в который вовлечены верхи московской администрации.
Makeup Artist
Story of Jari, a misfit and coward who, after hitting his girlfriend escapes to a fish factory in Norway. There he meets Heikki, who works for the same company. However, the violence follows Jon in Norway too.
Costume Design
Story of Jari, a misfit and coward who, after hitting his girlfriend escapes to a fish factory in Norway. There he meets Heikki, who works for the same company. However, the violence follows Jon in Norway too.
That Kiljunen Family
Makeup Designer
The Kiljunen family wins a holiday trip to Helsinki and the city will never be the same again.
Sun Wind
Costume Design
Gravity researcher Erik Rankamaa dies in his prime in 1970. He is been deep frozen and gets defrosted in 1999, while people of his time are still alive.
Men Can't Be Raped
Costume Design
A woman who has been raped by a man at a party plots and executes an elaborate and humiliating revenge.