Polly Staniford


Грязная музыка
Джорджи Ютленд под сорок, профессию медсестры и романтические мечты о родственной душе она променяла на тихую жизнь домохозяйки в рыбацком поселке на западном побережье Австралии. Ночи напролет, пока домашние спят, она сидит в Интернете и тихо спивается. Но внезапно в ее судьбу входит Лютер Фокс — браконьер и бывший музыкант.
Executive Producer
A toxic friendship between two teenage girls is brought to breaking point as they compete for the attention of their gym class teacher.
Asian Girls
Executive Producer
Chan is a Chinese factory worker who lives alone. Every night, she suffers from horrific nightmares involving the woman in the apartment next door, a Japanese office lady.
Берлинский синдром
Когда во время отпуска в Берлине австралийская фотожурналистка Клэр встречает Энди, харизматичного местного парня, между ними мгновенно возникает взаимное притяжение. После совместной прогулки по улицам Берлина наступает ночь страсти, но то, что на первый взгляд кажется началом бурного романа, неожиданно принимает зловещий оборот. Клэр просыпается на следующее утро и понимает, что Энди ушел на работу, оставив ее запертой в своей квартире. Казалось бы, нелепая ошибка. За исключением того, что он не собирается ее отпускать. Когда-либо.
Executive Producer
A savage tale of female power, inspired by the mating rituals of the female Australian Red Back Spider.
Oscar Wilde's the Nightingale and the Rose
Executive Producer
A nightingale bird discovers a true lover when she witnesses a young university student talk with great passion about his beloved. The Nightingale goes on a quest to find the red rose the Student needs win his lovers heart, but this comes at a chilling price. Based on the classic fairytale by Oscar Wilde.
Netherland Dwarf
Harry really wants a rabbit. Harry's Dad really wants his wife back. And somehow in the middle of all this wanting, they both seem to have forgotten that they already have each other.
In Crossbow the spoiler is right in front of you, there in the title. A crossbow is an anachronistic device and does not, at least in my mind, lend itself well to analogy or metaphor. In spite, or, more accurately, precisely because this ominous title hangs over the very start of viewing, the short film remarkably sustains a growing dread throughout its languid narration and slow-moving, though arresting visuals; maximizing its force not through the promise of surprise but through the inevitability of its conclusion.
The IF Thing
With 4 weeks and a budget of $5,000 IF Media approached filmmaker Nash Edgerton and Blue-Tongue Films to produce video insert material for the 2005 Lexus Inside Film Awards. Edgerton agreed. But wanted the $5,000 in cash.
Poor Boy
A little boy announces on his seventh birthday that he is a stranger named Danny, a grown man who died seven years earlier.