Josef Wirsching

Josef Wirsching


Josef Wirsching


Director of Photography
История рассказывает о куртизанке по имени Сахиб-Джан. Её мать также была куртизанкой, так что выбор профессии для девушки был предопределен. Мать Сахиб-Джан умерла при родах после того, как от нее ушел возлюбленный. Главная героиня сейчас является владелицей публичного дома. Однажды она приняла решение удочерить девочку.
Любовь матери
Director of Photography
В бедной индийской семье делается все, чтобы вывести в люди двух сыновей - Раджу и Бхану. Старательный и скромный Раджу готовится стать адвокатом. Умный и способный Бхану бездельничает и этим приносит родителям немало горя. Однако, когда отцу грозит позор и тюремное заключение, именно Бхану приходит на помощь отцу и, взяв его вину на себя, попадает в тюрьму.
Director of Photography
Фильм о судьбе сына полицейского. Не смотря на свою большую любовь к сыну несчастный отец не смог уберечь его от дурного пути и сын стал преступником.
Director of Photography
A young lawyer is involved with a ghostly woman in his new house, where the builder and his fiancée died shortly after it was built.
Director of Photography
Rural melodrama about Durga, an adolescent child of nature, living with her aged mother Heera. Unable to get the medicine required to prevent her mother's death, one misfortune after another befalls the heroine in spite of the sympathies of the newly arrived village doctor, Jawahar.
Director of Photography
Classic Bollywood film starring Leela Chitnis and Ashok Kumar.
Nirmala (Devika Rani) is a modern girl - young, beautiful, dressed in the latest fashions, attends college, and is even the only female in an all-male class. She doesn't take second place to the men, besting all but one in the annual exams. She tied with Ramdas (Ashok Kumar). But, at the same time she is tied to the age-old culture, traditions and religion. She yearns for a husband and for motherhood. And this conflict forms the crux of the story.
Jeevan Naiya
Lata, daughter of a dancing girl, is brought up by social worker Mathuradas and is engaged to marry the rich Ranjit when the villain Chand arrives to blackmail her with her undisclosed ancestry. Lata is forced to disclose the truth to Ranjit and the assembled wedding guests. Ranjit disowns her but they are reunited when Ranjit, blinded by an explosion, is nursed back to health by a devoted woman who turns out to be his wife.
Jawani Ki Hawa
Kamala elopes on her wedding day with her childhood friend Ratanlal. Her father Manganlal chases the couple and catches them on a train. His furious exchanges with Ratanlal are interrupted by gunfire and in the mysterious gloom of the evening a body is thrown off the train. The suspects are Ratanlal, who cannot furnish an alibi, Kamala, who insists on being the murderess, ex-convict Sukhdev, who confesses to the murder claiming robbery to be the motive, and the lunatic Tarachand, who also admits his guilt.
Kreuzer Emden
Director of Photography
Unsere Emden
Director of Photography
The Light of Asia
Director of Photography
Living an indolent life in a luxurious palace, Prince Gautama (Rai) is insulated by his family from the harshness of the world outside. But he is destined to learn greater truths: shocked to discover the pain and suffering of so many in his kingdom, he abandons his privileged existence, and his wife Gopa (Seeta Devi), to become a wandering teacher, eventually finding enlightenment and founding Buddhism. Featuring superimposed images and deep-focus shots that were highly impressive for the time, Light of Asia astutely combines a deeply felt spirituality with the surefire attraction of Indian exotica, which helped make it a considerable success in Europe.