Hoping to make amends with his girlfriend and turn his life around, Jake suddenly finds himself in a dangerous situation. Frank, an aging bail-bondsman, comes to Jake's rescue and invites him to relax on his boat as they await help. What ensues is a complicated mix of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the life of one man and the soul of another.
Hoping to make amends with his girlfriend and turn his life around, Jake suddenly finds himself in a dangerous situation. Frank, an aging bail-bondsman, comes to Jake's rescue and invites him to relax on his boat as they await help. What ensues is a complicated mix of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the life of one man and the soul of another.
Hoping to make amends with his girlfriend and turn his life around, Jake suddenly finds himself in a dangerous situation. Frank, an aging bail-bondsman, comes to Jake's rescue and invites him to relax on his boat as they await help. What ensues is a complicated mix of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the life of one man and the soul of another.
Hoping to make amends with his girlfriend and turn his life around, Jake suddenly finds himself in a dangerous situation. Frank, an aging bail-bondsman, comes to Jake's rescue and invites him to relax on his boat as they await help. What ensues is a complicated mix of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the life of one man and the soul of another.
Hoping to make amends with his girlfriend and turn his life around, Jake suddenly finds himself in a dangerous situation. Frank, an aging bail-bondsman, comes to Jake's rescue and invites him to relax on his boat as they await help. What ensues is a complicated mix of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the life of one man and the soul of another.
В престижной Нью-йоркской школе искусства студенты из всех слоев общества, будущие танцоры, певцы, актеры и художники, получают шанс осуществить свои мечты, но только талант, одержимость и непомерный труд могут привести их к славе.
Она — успешный телепродюсер со строгими моральными принципами и сексуальная блондинка. Он восходящая звезда нового телешоу и его жизненное кредо — «секс, наркотики и рок-н-ролл», он совсем не признает равенство полов, политкорректность и так далее… В общем настоящий мачо. Вы думаете, у них может что-то получиться?