Keith Sellon-Wright


Почти герои
Merriweather Lewis
В 1794 году по поручению президента США состоялась экспедиция на Дикий Запад, в последствии названная экспедицией Льюиса и Кларка. Однако мало кто знает, что немногим ранее состоялась другая экспедиция по тому же маршруту. Группа веселых дебоширов и бедолаг, невзирая на невероятные препятствия и козни врагов, достигла американских берегов Тихого океана и даже пошла немного далее.
Shattered Illusions
A Psycho stalks a talk radio personality and her mentally challenged sister.
The Return of Hunter: Everyone Walks in L.A.
Yuppie Guy
Lieutenant Rick Hunter's girlfriend is murdered.
Manhunt for Claude Dallas
Craig Carver
This is the story is based on an actual incident. Claude Dallas is a man who loves to be free, so he lives in the mountains where he hunts for his food. However, Bill Pogue is a driven game warden, who abhors anyone who hunts out of season. When he catches Claude Dallas doing that; he's about to arrest him when Claude kills him and the other warden with him. When the man who was with Dallas tells the police what happened, a nationwide manhunt ensues. And there are people who didn't like Pogue and they hope Dallas is never caught.