Manuel González


Los desorientados
У подножия вулкана
Camera Operator
В Европе война, в Мексике - Сиеста. Джеффри Фримен - британский консул, проводит очередной день полный пустоты и алкоголя. И тут в его будни входят сводный брат-идеалист и бывшая жена Ивонна, каждый из которых что-то ждет от Джеффри.
La casta divina
Camera Operator
Chronicle Caste War in Yucatan held in the nineteenth century, where the land and the people were the property of the landowners, who called themselves " divine caste ". On one hand, General Salvador Alvarado organized the revolution; on the other, the landowners hire Colonel Ortiz Argumedo to organized the defense of their autonomy. Don Wilfrido, one of the masters, do not hesitate to send his son to fight to maintain their wealth and privileges.
Pedro Paramo
Camera Operator
When his mother Dolores dies, Juan Preciado, son of Pedro Páramo, goes to Comala to claim his inheritance; but when he arrives he finds an abandoned and sinister place, inhabited by mysterious voices and whispers…
Escuela para solteras
Camera Operator
All-star ranchera fest, rom-com style. Four charros, four eligible young ladies.
The Golden Cockerel
Camera Operator
A poor, but very lucky man in the cock fighting, is hired by a rich man, but both are in love with the same woman
Ночь игуаны
Camera Operator
Запутавшийся и уставший от собственной жизни бывший священник Лоуренс пытается найти хоть капельку спокойствия на берегу моря. Однако оказывается, что люди вокруг нуждаются в любви и внимании ничуть не меньше, чем он сам.
Autumn Days
Camera Operator
Luisa is a small-town girl who works in the bakery of the widower Don Albino. Luisa dreams of marrying and loves children. Just as Don Albino shows interest in her, Luisa announces that she will marry soon with Carlos, the driver of a rich house whom she met recently...
Бумажный человек
Camera Operator
По новелле Луиса Спото «Банковый билет». Немой Адам зарабатывает на пропитание тем, что собирает на улицах и свалках мусор. Однажды он находит бумажник, в котором 10 000 песо. Магическая сила этой банкноты превращает приятелей и знакомых Адама в хищников, пытающихся любой ценой отнять у него деньги. Эта банкнота могла бы дать Адаму возможность жить по-человечески. Но он на эти деньги покупает у чревовещателя куклу, которая, как ему кажется, может заменить ему сына, о котором он мечтает всю жизнь.
Ткач чудес
Camera Operator
В ночь под рождество в маленькую мексиканскую деревушку въезжают на осле индеец Арнульфо и его жена Хансита, которая с минуты на минуту должна родить. Местная акушерка Ремедиос и ее воспитанник, двадцатилетний Теофилос, решили использовать создавшуюся ситуацию в своих корыстных целях. И вот по деревне разнесся слух, что в хлеву у Ремедиос рожает женщина, приехавшая на осле как дева Мария. Охваченные религиозным фанатизмом, крстьяне кинулись к дому Ремедиос. Они верят, что совершается чудо, что «новый» Христос, который должен родиться, принесет всем счастье и благосостояние. Не скупясь, они дают Ремедиос и Теофилосу деньги для будущего ребенка. Священник не в силах доказать фанатичной толпе, что родился самый обыкновенный ребенок. И тогда он идет на крайние меры: незаметно умерщвляет ребенка. Виля, что новорожденный оказался смертным, толпа верующих быстро расходится.
Santo vs. the Vampire Women
Camera Operator
A professor recruits a professional wrestler to protect his daughter from vampires intent on kidnapping her and marrying her to the devil.
Camera Operator
После роскошного званого ужина гости вдруг обнаруживают, что в силу каких-то таинственных причин не могут выйти из столовой. Проходит день, другой, и множества тщательно выстроенных фасадов и поз — как не бывало. Исчезают без следа понятия о приличиях, обусловленных положением в обществе, люди опускаются до примитивного животного состояния.
Camera Operator
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
The Vivanco Ladies
Camera Operator
Two women of lesser descent are dedicated to stealing to support their brother's daughter.
Trip to the Moon
Camera Operator
In this movie a couple of comedians try to disappear for a while and end up in an asylum, where confused as the mad, and try to escape, but one of them falls in love and that complicates things.
Pobres millonarios
Camera Operator
Squatter neighborhood finds a wealthy sponsor.
Locos Peligrosos
Camera Operator
A cellist and a pianist, along with the daughter of the owner of a musical home, form a classical trio. A television producer challenges confronting the modern equipment. Accept and so begin a new career in popular music, so despises his former employer, thus limiting the affair between his daughter and one of them.
The Champion Cyclist
Camera Operator
Cleto, a poor newspaper boy, dreamed of becoming a cyclist and inventor. His latest invention is delivering newspapers by rockets. When he finds the owner of the newspaper, dismisses him. But Cleto do not give up and shows Don Macario his latest invention: " The telemirófono ", a device that allows you to see the person talking on the phone...
Teatro del crimen
Camera Operator
In a music hall has committed a murder, the police will also find the murderer.
The Innocent
Camera Operator
After a quarrel with her boyfriend on New Year's Eve, Mane drives her car from Mexico City to Cuernavaca to meet her parents in their country house. The car breaks down in the highway and Mane has to ask for help. Mechanic Cruci arrives and, after testing the car, offers Mane a ride on his motorcycle. Back in Mane's house, she invites him some drinks to celebrate New Year's Eve. They get drunk and, the morning after, Mane's parents arrive and find them sleeping together. Not knowing what happened, Mane and Cruci are forced to get married against their will.
Music School
Camera Operator
La vida no vale nada
Camera Operator
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
Si yo fuera diputado
Camera Operator
Cantinflas is a unique barber, who trades with an elderly neighbor, a lawyer by profession, laws lessons in exchange for haircuts and shaved. It proposes advice to defend in court the disadvantaged neighborhood. His success deputy seeks the votes as the other candidate, Don Próculo, it is not accepted by anyone but his own bodyguards. Don Próculo will use know how much ruse to win the election by the Council, and also for the love of 'Sarita'
Doña Perfecta
First Assistant Camera
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.
Дочь обмана
Camera Operator
В данной драме, отец, твердо веря, что дочь родилась не от него, оставляет ее на пороге дома нищего пьяницы. Пройдёт много лет, прожитые им с огромным чувством вины, разрушающей и съедающей его изнутри, прежде чем он отправится на её поиски…
Camera Operator
The story of a girl of questionable mental stability who escapes from incarceration and ends up at a plantation where she disrupts a working family's daily routines and chemistry.
El Siete Machos
Camera Operator
Rosario, the niece of the rancher, returns to the ranch after ten years of absence. She takes in Margarito, a worker at the ranch, who is immediately smitten by her. Rosario is rescued from a runaway horse by the Seven Men, an outlaw a la Robin Hood that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He also happens to be the twin brother of Margarito, unbeknownst to him. The confusion between Margarito and the Seven Men generates great comical situations in the film.
You the Rich
Camera Operator
Pepe el Toro is married to Celia la Chorreada and they have two children.
Angelitos negros
Camera Operator
Starring Mexican star Pedro Infante, "Black Angels" is about a couple formed by a beautiful woman and a singer, both white, who are parents of a black girl. The woman blames him, but the girl will suffer the racist treatment from her own mother. Mexican version of the famous novel by Fannie Hurst "Imitation of Life"
We the Poor
Camera Operator
A poor neighborhood in Mexico City. Carpenter Pepe el Toro lives peacefully with his daughter Chachita while woos the pretty Celia, but tragedy knocks his door when he is falsely accused of having perpetrated a felony.
Albur de amor
Camera Operator
Dark romantic melodrama, played out with high-stakes card games and cockfights.
El barchante Neguib
Camera Operator
Small-town Arabic family moves to Mexico City to live with the oldest son who made his career there. Follow-up (not a direct sequel) to El baisano Jalil (1942).