Art Direction
The seven year old Aya spends a lot of time in the theater because her farther, Asen, is an actor. One night Aya falls asleep in the control room. After the end of the show, intrigue, betrayal and tension in the theater group gradually escalate. Asen's illusions collapse, when he finds out that the television star, Boyan, will replace him in an upcoming premiere. Aya's father provokes a scandal, which turns into a drunken brawl. Will Asen succeed to rediscover himself with the unreserved support of his wife and the selfless love of his daughter?
Art Direction
A group of young boys inadvertently free the creature from captivity. Going on a rampage, the Boogeyman, whose origin dates back to the time of Genesis, targets an innocent child – whose father is the town Sheriff.
Art Direction
A team of treasure hunters in the Arctic are attacked by ferocious snow beasts. Before long, the adventure is no longer about finding riches - it’s about getting down the mountain alive.
Art Direction
В нескольких городах Америки прогремели страшной силы взрывы. Последствия ужасают — разрушенные до основания жилые кварталы и сотни тысяч жертв. Эксперты, работающие на местах трагедий, отмечают повышенный уровень радиации и наличие необычных химических элементов в составе взрывчатки. Вести расследование поручают Ангеру — руководителю спецгруппы, берущемуся за решение самых сложных задач. Он быстро выясняет, что элементы, использованные для создания взрывчатки, имеют внеземное происхождение…
Art Direction
A Native American owner of a kitschy roadside museum accidentally brings to life three dinosaur fossils. Now really annoyed, the giant dinos wreak havoc on the small town and the local university.