By the age of twelve, Jack Stone had experienced more life grit than most adults. In desperation, he decides to grab the controls, make a list as his roadmap and set out to accomplish life his way. Fifteen years of life on the street and clawing up from the bottom, later we find Jack as a successful lawyer. He's done well on his own, crossed a lot off his list and added more. But, he hasn't factored God into the plan. God hasn't seemed to be around much in the past… so can Jack trust Him with the future? As life continues to take its toll and tragedies strike, will Jack relinquish the power of his list in order to gain all he's ever wanted?
Playback Singer
Герои «Американского пирога» встречаются вновь спустя несколько лет. Они докажут, что даже время и расстояние не в силах разрушить их дружбу. Летом 1999-го четверо мичиганских парней решили расстаться с невинностью. Прошли годы, и теперь друзья вернулись домой уже повзрослевшими, чтобы вспомнить прошлое и оторваться на полную катушку.
In 1959, Berry Gordy Jr. gathered the best musicians from Detroit's thriving jazz and blues scene to begin cutting songs for his new record company. Over a fourteen year period they were the heartbeat on every hit from Motown's Detroit era. By the end of their phenomenal run, this unheralded group of musicians had played on more number ones hits than the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Elvis and the Beatles combined - which makes them the greatest hit machine in the history of popular music. They called themselves the Funk Brothers. Forty-one years after they played their first note on a Motown record and three decades since they were all together, the Funk Brothers reunited back in Detroit to play their music and tell their unforgettable story, with the help of archival footage, still photos, narration, interviews, re-creation scenes, 20 Motown master tracks, and twelve new live performances of Motown classics with the Brothers backing up contemporary performers.
Montell Jordan
Любовь заставляет страдающего от чрезмерной полноты профессора Шермана Клампа провести над собой смелый эксперимент. Чудодейственный препарат превращает неуклюжего, но доброго и деликатного толстяка в нахального повесу-ловеласа.Две ипостаси гениального ученого вступают в борьбу за право существования. Неконтролируемые метаморфозы героя порождают множество комических ситуаций.