Sound Designer
The story of a neurotic bachelor who, after marrying a beautiful woman, submits her to increasingly deranged accusations of infidelity and pleas for forgiveness.
Sound Mixer
В Швейцарии готовятся открыть крупный частный телеканал. Компания, которой поручено разработать идеи для программ, решает купить права на истории реальных преступников, чтобы затем сделать серию фильмов по их мотивам. Розмонда соглашается рассказать свою историю. 8 лет назад она убила человека, пытавшегося ее изнасиловать. Дело было закрыто: свидетелей не было, а доказательств оказалось недостаточно. Кевин, кинопродюсер, поручает Полю, молодому писателю, создание сценария на основе событий жизни Розмонды. Однако девушка с трудом вспоминает прошлое и отказывается отвечать на вопросы Поля. Тогда к работе подключают актрису Мари: если ей удастся разговорить Розмонду, ей дадут главную роль. Странные отношения двух женщин вскоре перерастают в дружбу.
After 20 years of exile, Aron returns to Chile to find out who he is. He asks questions, not only of those who stayed behind but also of himself, examining his relationship with his past and his own memory. The people who stayed lived through 20 years of dictatorship. They were either victims or executioners. Amidst this wreckage, Aron wonders what name his brother is using now, where his father is... Can he, in Isol's arms and through her love, find his way again ? What future awaits him? Like Mola the torturer, he has returned from an impossible journey, and Aron knows that each man is his own executioner. Shipwreck and resurrection are the two facets of a complex truth.
Sound Mixer
For those who were young, living under the delusions of love and soft drugs in Paris, May 1968 - even if the guitar is still playing, they can't hear it any longer.
Sound Mixer
Maria is a sweet child. She hasn’t father and doesn’t like her mother. She has a boyfriend, A bandit who would like to change his class.
Sound Mixer
At the time Portugal presented a strange spectacle to the rest of Europe. D. Afonso VI, son of the fortunate D. João de Bragança, was in possession of the throne and was an insane imbecile. His wife, daughter of the Duke of Nemours and cousin of Louis XIV, dared hatch a plot to oust her husband from the throne. The king's stupidity justified the queen's bravado. Despite being master of unusual strength and having slept with his wife for a long time, she accused him of being impotent. Marie Françoise had acquired through artfulness what Afonso had lost in anger in the kingdom. She had him imprisoned ( November 1667 ) and quickly obtained a papal bull from Rome to confirm her virginity and bless her marriage to her brother-in-law Pedro. Portugal's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1990.
Sound Mixer
The journey of an intellectual Creole. Before returning from Lisbon to Luanda, he stops in the Cape Verde islands in search of his ethnic and cultural roots.
The familiar conflicts of a film director planning to make a movie about his life and the confrontation he has with his wife, an actress who was turned down for such project in which she wanted to play herself.
Sound mixer
Wang Fo, the greatest master of medieval China, aided by his assistant who has given up everything to follow him, desperately seeks aesthetic perfection. A day comes when he thinks he has achieved it. But his genius arouses both the curiosity and the jealousy of the Emperor. Wang Fo will be able to escape the Emperor's vindictiveness only by going to the limit of his talents.
Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Sound Mixer
An early stop motion animated short film from Jean-Pierre Jeunet. With puppets by Marc Caro.
Sound Designer
Zillionair playboy Terry has built a spaceship so that he can see the galaxy together with his girlfriend Ferma. Along comes a spaced-out alien who needs to find back to his planet. The trio brings along Little Orbit the Astrodog to assist in the search. On their fantastical journey they battle a phantom space-bird, asparagus monsters (with Bronx accents) that want them for lunch, and a race of space-robots on a machine planet.