José María Rodríguez


Sergio Leone: The Way I See Things
Documentary about Sergio Leone
Despedida de soltero
A couple of friends, "Carmen" (Silvia Solar) and "Miguel"(Germán Cobos), fail to raise the money needed to marry. These difficulties encouraged the illusion of the boy, who wants a shot leaving for another country. The dreams of "Miguel" are approved and encouraged by "Don Pablo", (Pepe Isbert) musician of the Municipal Band and uncle of Carmen, in his years young was unable to reach them. On the other hand, Carmen lives with his aunt "Antonia" (Matilde Muñoz Sanpedro), which does not speak with his brother "Don Pablo", and whose sole ambition is to see married her niece, because in order to "maid" in the family there is enough with her. But with the arrival in Cádiz of the president of a south American country, everything is going to change course.
El hombre de la isla
Guardia mayor
Berta is a German who comes to a small fishing village to marry Lorenzo, owner of an island and that only known her through his letters. The early days of their marriage are a constant disappointment, especially when it finds that her husband has no resemblance to the author of the letters. He lives embittered by an old story and is hated by all.
Streetcar for Sale
Cura (uncredited)
This excellent short film written by the magnificent filmmaker duo of Luis García Berlanga and screenwriter Rafael Azcona was to be part of a series entitled Los Pícaros (The Rogues) which was never continued. These two artists were responsible for such masterpieces of Spanish cinema as Plácido and El verdugo (The Executioner). Here, Berlanga and Azcona collaborated for the first time, setting the stage for the post-war "Berlanguiana" vision that would develop. José Luis López Vázquez plays Julián, a seedy swindler, who with his cronies tries to sell a streetcar to a rich but naive farmer, a newcomer to the city. High jinx ensue. With this film begins the great stage of Berlanga's filmmaking in which he mixes a little social criticism and notes of anti-clericalism with a great deal of farce.
María de la O
María de la O leaves her family and her former boyfriend Miguel to go with a rich landowner who's supposedly in love with her...
Los chicos
Four young men are cited in a kiosk during a rainy afternoon. One has to study and the other three go to the cinema, although they are not allowed to entry because their young age. The group consists of Andrés, who works as bellboy in a hotel and dreams of becoming a bullfighter; Chispa, who follows the orders of an old grumpy man; Carlos, a student; and Negro, a shy boy. All they want is to have fun; but reality forces them to confront the problems of the adult world.
Хуан Диас возвращается в родную деревню после окончания тюремного срока за убийство, которого он не совершал. Его сестра Андреа убеждает его отомстить брату убитого Луису, показания которого отправили Хуана в тюрьму. В свою очередь, мать Луиса заставляет своего сына отомстить за смерть брата. Вынуждаемые к смертельной вражде молодые люди, тем не менее, вынуждены на время объединиться – ведь приближается время жатвы, дающей поденным рабочим возможность заработать. Однако в деревенской артели не хватает рабочих рук, и там очень надеются на помощь молодых и сильных Хуана и Луиса. Вместе с ними на заработки отправляется и Андреа…
The Tenant
One unlucky day, a married couple with four children get an eviction notice: the building they live in is to be demolished. The family looks desperately for a new home, which is no easy task in Madrid in the fifties.
Stories from Madrid
Dawn in Madrid. In the Plaza de la Cibeles begins the daily grind. The statue of the goddess, from its source in the center of the square tells the story of a man, petty speculator, owner of an old building that is going to ask Saint Nicholas for his cooperation to make it sink, and thus be able to lift a twelve-story modern building. But the inhabitants of the block have also implored the Saint to prevent this from happening.
The Man Who Wagged His Tail
Fulano y Mengano
Eudosio and Carlos were imprisoned by mistake. Now out of prison, are trying to get a job and to adapt to a society that rejects them.
El hombre que viajaba despacito
Espectador sordo
A tank regiment soldier needs a permit to go to his village to meet his newborn son. It will not be easy, leading to absurd situations featuring the legendary humorist Miguel Gila.
Новый дон Жуан
После очередного любовного приключения Дону Жуану грозит смертная казнь. Его слуга Сганарель вынужден выдать себя за своего господина, чтобы спасти ему жизнь. Сганарель становится настоящим героем-любовником! Но как не просто быть донжуаном, когда всю жизнь был всего лишь скромным слугой… Вместо своего хозяина неуклюжий Сганарель вынужден скрываться не только от разгневанных мужей, но и от сгораемых от любви почтенных синьор. Сердцеед приговорен к сожжению заживо. Но герои не горят, как не горят любовь и легенды…
Мой дядя Хасинто
Vendedor de camisas
Много лет назад Хасинто был известным матадором, а сейчас влачит жалкое существование вместе со своим маленьким племянником Пепоте. И вот ему предлагают вновь выступать на арене...
Afternoon at the Bulls
Right-handers Ricardo Puente, Juan Carmona and Rondeño II, which will take the alternative are advertised in the poster. The first is an old bullfighter, famous in the past, as now, bitter and full of rancor, lives with Paloma, a woman who is not resigned to continue to be the lover of a man who has fallen into oblivion. Carmona, the Bullfighter of fashion, has a major contract to fight in America, but his wife Isabel wants to reject the offer. Ana Maria, the sister of Carmona, hopes that his brother adopted its relations with Rondeno II; but Carmona was opposed because considers it it a bad Bullfighter
Смерть велосипедиста
Возвращаясь с любовником с загородного рандеву, супруга богатого промышленника сбивает на пустынном шоссе велосипедиста. Опасаясь разоблачения супружеской измены, она скрывается с места происшествия. Однако чувство вины и тревожные мысли о единственном свидетеле случившегося не оставляют ее.
The Devil Plays the Flute
Viejo hambriento
When the pieces of a singular figure are unearthed and then joined together, a devil of the lowest category breaks into a small Mediterranean village. From that moment on, the demon will enter the life of a painter named Bernardino, in the affairs of a "modern" marriage, in the existence of a frightened gardener and, finally, in the day-to-day life of the Great Momo.
Девушка с кувшином
old man in the window
Донна Мария де Гузман, одна из прекрасных дам Рондо, видит, как дон Диего дает публичную пощечину своему престарелому отцу. Под видом мужчины донна Мария вызывает дона Диего на дуэль и убивает его. Ей приходится покинуть город, и она путешествует, скрывая свой пол, в компании дона Хуана, одного из её поклонников.
Добро Пожаловать, Мистер Маршалл
История, произошедшая в небольшом испанском городе Вильяр дель Рио, жители которого узнают о приезде американских дипломатов и начинают готовиться к приему ради того, чтобы поразить своих гостей в надежде получить помощь по плану Маршалла.
The Lovers of Toledo
Toledo, 1825. To save her fiancé, an opponent of the regime, the beautiful Inès agrees to marry the chief of police.
Aimless boat
Facultad de letras
Love and Desire
A French crew is working on location in Spain. But when they want to film a scene in which Gérardn the male star is supposed to be swimming across a river, the matinée idol proves water-shy and the director decides to double him. The one that replaces him is Antonio, a local fisherman. The latter does the job so well that he is chosen as a stunts man for the whole film. This does not please Lola,his fiancée; all the more as Antonio has fallen in love with Martine, the female star.
Sin uniforme
Viejo campesino
Audiencia pública
Funcionario de la Beneficencia (uncredited)
Two women claim the custody of a child, a son of single mother. They have very different social positions: one is a lady of high society, the other is a nurse working at a maternity clinic. Both will face in a public trial.
Tio Antonio
The goalkeeper of a football team gets in troubles after unknowingly signing a compromising document and gets fired. His companions will help him back before an important match. Famous real football players in the cast.
Correo de Indias
A Dutch sailing ship finds the wreckage of a Spanish mail ship, which has collided with an iceberg. Inside, the bodies of a man and a woman are found embraced.
Bandido (uncredited)
Our Guilty Party
El Celador
A burglar with a big heart is arrested in a banker’s house for a theft he did not commit.