Известный неаполитанский писатель возвращается в свой родной город после долгого отсутствия и встречает старого друга по имени Каракас. Каракас, когда-то скинхед-неофашист, теперь принимает ислам.
Тело Чиро тонет в тёмных водах Неаполитанского залива. И по мере того, как он погружается всё глубже и глубже, появляются воспоминания. Приглушенные водой звуки сливаются с криками бегущих людей. Это 1980 год, земля дрожит, здание рушится, но под обломками можно услышать крик новорожденного ребенка. Десять лет спустя мы обнаруживаем, что новорожденный выжил на улицах Неаполя и он уже чей-то сын. Яркие воспоминания о криминальном прошлом, которое сделало его тем, кем он стал - Чиро "Бессмертным" Ди Марцио .
Mariagrazia, Chiara and Letizia are inseparable friends forced to come to terms every day with the hated extra kilos, looks of disapproval from their schoolmates and giggles in the school hallways. Mariagrazia suffers for the confrontation with her mother (Valeria Solarino), a former sports champion. Chiara has a chat with a peer, but she is too afraid to send him her photo. Letizia has a talent for music but too much shame to show it. After the umpteenth teasing, an unexpected opportunity for redemption comes from the popular and beautiful Alice, captain of the synchronized swimming school team, forced by a blackmail to train them in secret. The three girls embark on an impossible challenge, driven into the water by their desire for revenge.
Mariagrazia, Chiara and Letizia are inseparable friends forced to come to terms every day with the hated extra kilos, looks of disapproval from their schoolmates and giggles in the school hallways. Mariagrazia suffers for the confrontation with her mother (Valeria Solarino), a former sports champion. Chiara has a chat with a peer, but she is too afraid to send him her photo. Letizia has a talent for music but too much shame to show it. After the umpteenth teasing, an unexpected opportunity for redemption comes from the popular and beautiful Alice, captain of the synchronized swimming school team, forced by a blackmail to train them in secret. The three girls embark on an impossible challenge, driven into the water by their desire for revenge.