Rudolf Vatinyan

Rudolf Vatinyan

Рождение : 1941-05-12, Dilijan, USSR


Rudolf Vatinyan


The Merry Bus
Focuses on a woman and child after the 1988 earthquake that rocked the Soviet state of Armenia. They find themselves listening to telephone wires and call it music. They became close and the little boy decides that he has found the basis for the making of his new family. The woman then adopts him, however, he believes that they family needs a father as well.
On the Old Roman Road
Director of Photography
In Holland, a group of Armenian terrorists have swung into action, murdering a Turkish intelligence agent and holding his son for ransom. As the battle of wits between the terrorists and the Dutch police plays itself out, an author from Armenia living in Rotterdam finds himself following the events as he thinks back on his life in his homeland, indulging in fantasies about his past, his future, and his obsessions.
Gevorg Adamyan is a man of power who enjoys many privileges and is guided throughout his life by the slogan "the purpose justifies the means". This enables him always to stay at the top of the pyramid but, at the same time, gradually ruins him as a person and brings unhappiness to his own family, destroying the lives of his close friends and relatives.
Пегий пес, бегущий краем моря
Camera Operator
Герои фильма — нивхи, представители маленькой северной народности. Десятилетний мальчик вместе с дедом, отцом и дядей впервые выходит на промысел. Hо охотников на тюленей подстерегает беда: на море опускается туман, и они теряют берег. Когда запасы пищи подходят к концу, мужчины решают ценой своей жизни сохранить жизнь мальчика…
While We Live
The action of the film takes place in a children's colony, where a film is being shot. In the colony, director Manvel Simonyan gets to know the minor prisoner Hovhannes Darbinyan, who was sentenced to prison for stabbing her lover while trying to protect his mother. The director takes upon himself the burden of releasing a juvenile prisoner before the deadline.
Танго нашего детства
Это местами неловкая драмеди история о судьбе распавшейся семьи в послевоенной Армении, о нерешительности и неопределенности Рубена, бросившего семью, о неловких попытках вернуть отца, и о череде забавных, но одновременно с этим грустных событий, приводящих эту тупиковую историю к логичному завершению.
Песнь прошедших дней
Original Music Composer
Действие фильма происходит в годы Великой Отечественной войны в городе Ленинакан. Герои картины — члены самодеятельной театральной труппы, разделившие со всей страной горести и утраты военного времени.
Camera Operator
По-армянски «хатабала» - переполох, кутерьма, недоразумение, путаница. Все это начинается в доме богатого ереванского купца с приездом молодого человека из Петербурга, за которого хозяин хочет выдать свою засидевшуюся в невестах дочь.
Liu is a young barrel maker and is recognized by the guild as a master, but no one truly believes in his qualities. After a long wait, he receives a commission from Karata to make him a barrel. Georgi Djulgerov's student film based on 'The Exam' by Nikolai Haitov.