Roman Kasseroller


Sleep with Your Eyes Open
Director of Photography
Lixue doesn’t ask herself if she likes Recife. She certainly doesn’t want to ask whether her new city likes her, after being sent there to live with her aunt. Aunt Lili owns an emporium of shops for Chinese import products and lives with her family and her workers on the 22nd floor of an exclusive apartment building. Much to the disapproval of the upper-class Brazilian landlords, who think the Chinese immigrants don’t belong in the tower. When Lixue disappears from the city, Ah arrives on the scene: the first tourist in Recife in years.
Sleep with Your Eyes Open
Lixue doesn’t ask herself if she likes Recife. She certainly doesn’t want to ask whether her new city likes her, after being sent there to live with her aunt. Aunt Lili owns an emporium of shops for Chinese import products and lives with her family and her workers on the 22nd floor of an exclusive apartment building. Much to the disapproval of the upper-class Brazilian landlords, who think the Chinese immigrants don’t belong in the tower. When Lixue disappears from the city, Ah arrives on the scene: the first tourist in Recife in years.
The Klezmer Project
Director of Photography
A frustrated Jewish wedding cameraman falls in love with a klezmer clarinettist. To spend time with her, he fabricates a documentary project that takes him on a journey in search of the lost klezmer melodies safeguarded by the Romani of Eastern Europe.
Three Brothers
Director of Photography
Three brothers, hunters, and heavy metal fans struggle with their issues in the dense Argentinian Patagonia. Meanwhile, the neighboring river threatens their farm with a flooding that can ruin their harvest.
Director of Photography
Ana Livia Plurabelle (30) has different sexual encounters that will make her realize something she hasn't thought about before: the possibility of making money with her body.
Cadejo Blanco
After her sister goes missing, Sarita, a working-class girl from Guatemala City, travels to the seaside town of Puerto Barrios to infiltrate a group of young gang members. As she risks her life to join the gang, Sarita becomes involved with her sister’s dangerous ex-boyfriend and gets closer to learning what happened to her sister.
Billy Boy
Director of Photography
In an era marked by the reign of liquid relationships, through apps and blind dates, Alejo seeks to fill his sentimental void by constantly changing sex partners.
Let the Lights Move Away
Associate Producer
A cat wandering among the pastures, the sparks that emerge among the red embers of a fire, a man walking under the shadow of high trees in the middle of a forest, a distant fire, the ghostly figure of firemen at night: these are some of the minimal postcards that make up the enormous beauty of the Manantiales mountains, in the outskirts of Córdoba, Argentina.
Инициалы С.Г.
Director of Photography
В центре сюжета — аргентинский актер-неудачник Серхио Гарсес, который внешне похож на известного француза Сержа Генсбура. Серхио пользуется этим, подражая кумиру, и со временем сливается с образом харизматичного поэта. Однако, несмотря на общие инициалы С. Г., Серхио не удалось даже приблизиться к славе своего французского коллеги.
Электрический лебедь
Director of Photography
Масштабная (для сорокаминутного фильма) фантасмагория о здании в Буэнос-Айресе, которое двигается по собственной воле, и нескольких его обитателях. Гречанка Константина Коцамани, снявшая фильм в Аргентине, уверенно вписывает бытовые сценки в мир, существующий по ее собственным правилам. Потенциала этой дадаистской истории про неожиданные отношения человека с неодушевленными предметами хватило бы, кажется, и на сериал.
Шалом, Тайвань
Director of Photography
Харизматичный и еще молодой раввин по имени Аарон, управляющий районным еврейским сообществом в Буэнос-Айресе, любим прихожанами, но испытывает финансовые трудности. Отчаявшись, он отправляется в поисках пожертвований на свое богоугодное дело аж в далекий Тайвань, где встречает нескольких людей, которые даже раввина могут научить житейской восточной мудрости, например, бизнесмена, который раздал все свои деньги, чтобы вместо мирской суеты собственноручно выращивать чай на плантации.
Члены семьи
Director of Photography
Подросток Лукас, одержимый своей физической формой, и его старшая сестра Хильда отправляются в заброшенный прибрежный городок, чтобы любой ценой исполнить последнее желание своей усопшей матери.
Great Are the Deserts
Director of Photography
Theo tries to reunite with his family. He rearranges his apartment and leaves everything ready for the return of his mother, who will be free again.
Weep the Headless Madness of these Fields
Director of Photography
A girl dies in a provincial summer house and is buried by her family. By night a wild dog unearths the corpse and takes it to the woods. Under the shade of the trees, the girl wakes up and decides to return home accompanied by the dog.
Together Alone
Director of Photography
Débora is 11 years old and is deaf. Facundo, her brother, is 18 and doesn't want her to grow up. Together, they have fun setting cars on fire while their father is away, until one day things slip out of control.
Director of Photography
A rapturous crime fable set in the Dominican Republic, Nelson Carlo De Los Santos Arias’ COCOTE follows Alberto, a kind-hearted gardener returning home to attend his father’s funeral. When he discovers that a powerful local figure is responsible for his father’s death, Alberto realizes that he’s been summoned by his family to avenge the murder. It’s an unthinkable act — especially for him, an Evangelical Christian. But as pressure mounts, he sees few ways out. Questions of faith, tradition and honor course through this electrifying film, which, seemingly at the speed of thought itself, jumps between film formats, colors, and aspect ratios, radically envisioning a community torn asunder by senseless violence.
The Future Perfect
A smart and innovative look at the possible futures of a young Chinese immigrant to Buenos Aires, told in the stilted language of an elementary Spanish textbook.
A Decent Woman
Director of Photography
A housemaid, working in an exclusive gated community in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, embarks on a journey of sexual and mental liberation in a nudist swinger-club boarding the high security walls.
About 12
Director of Photography
Twelve year old Juana goes to a British school in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where she fails both socially and academically. A week away from the exams that will determine her future in the institution, she is surrounded by the same routine; going to class and trying to pull her social life back together, with useless attempts in between. Juana goes through these strange days apparently feeling indifferent towards the situation.
Director of Photography
In the company of housewives, professionals and a retired tennis instructor, Hernán is part of a middle-class community that is preparing for the eventual arrival of the end of the world at a holiday resort in the marshy Tigre delta.
The Magnetic Nature
Director of Photography
Aldo is 55 years old and lives with Pablo, his older brother. From their home, they conduct a religious practice invented by their father and whose congregation meets mainly online. Aldo is tired of being a preacher, but doesn’t know how to say it.
El novio actual
A filmmaker meets her ex-boyfriend, who plays a role in her new film, in which the authenticity or falsity of a kiss in a gay scene is debated, with backstage included. Metacine or metagay? Gay cinema within cinema or cinema within gay cinema, variations of a daedalus of representations. "The current boyfriend" feeds on lateral humor, on the political of desire as a talk in the kitchen, on the flicker-free observation of who we are and what we pretend to be, as a nucleus that is reinterpreted with always different gestures, once as drama and another like comedy, almost without knowing which is appropriate.