Wiesława Dembińska

Рождение : 1936-09-23, Warsaw, Poland


The Happy Life of Benedykt Jerzy Dorys
Made just before the protagonist's death, Maria Kwiatkowska's film is a documentary portrait of one of the most outstanding Polish fashion and portrait photographers, Benedykt Jerzy Dorys. The co-founder of the Union of Polish Art Photographers talks about his artistic path and his personal life.
The Ten Commandments of Krzysztof Kieslowski
Documentary on Krzysztof Kieslowski's Dekalog from the BBC Arena series.
Difficulty of human relations in a 3-cornered tale: a neurotic woman, idealistic young man and his mother. Tomek is a clean-cut, high-minded geography student. He lives with his mother Zofia, a sensitive, practicing Catholic, like her son. When he meets Julia, a depressed woman older than he, he first tries to comfort her, then invites her to stay with him and his mother. Tomek makes a trip to West Berlin to visit his well-off father. He refuses to take money from him and looks for work as a house painter. Julia ends up in a rest home for treatment, while Tomek is trying to make their relationship work.
Wherever You Are...
An Uruguayan diplomat brings his new wife with him on a business trip to Poland in the summer immediately preceding the outbreak of World War II.
This Youth of Ours...
"Piwnica pod Baranami" - this legendary literary cabaret group celebrated its 30th anniversary in 1986. The jubilee ball, thanks to the host Piotr Skrzynecki and the invited artists, turned into a night of magic.
Год спокойного солнца
Действие разворачивается после окончания Второй мировой войны. Полька Эмилия живет вместе с больной матерью. Случайная встреча с американским офицером Норманом, занимающимся расследованием в Польше преступлений, совершенных в годы войны, его поддержка и забота затронули ее душу и сердце. Норман предлагает Эмилии и ее матери тайно покинуть страну. Но Эмилия как истинная католичка решает пожертвовать собой и своим личным счастьем...
Who are you?
The film doesn’t have any commentary. It presents pictures illustrating the history of Poland in chronological order: portraits of rulers and magnates, historical events, such as uprisings, but also balls, hunting, concerts, from the Middle Ages to the present day. In just twenty and a few minutes, the exhibition's message was captured - the heritage of the centuries and the image of the historically changing Polish identity.
The Contract
Sound Designer
Bearing traces of the old Anton Chekhov play The Wedding, The Contract is set during an "arranged" ceremony. The bride and groom barely know each other, but this matters not at all to their tradition-bound families. At the last minute, the bride balks. Only slightly nonplused, the groom's father, a status-seeking doctor, decides to go ahead with the expensive reception anyway. Polish director Krzysz Zanussi uses this scenario to stick it to capitalist corruption, and to society's destruction of the individual spirit. Leslie Caron, the one recognizable member of the cast, is outstanding as a wealthy, over-the-hill ballerina who happens to be a kleptomaniac.
From a Night Porter's Point of View
At the time of the Polish social regime, a security officer is promoted to work at a prison yard. Introducing concurrently with the narrator; he speaks of himself, his thoughts, his point of view.
Do You Know Valeria M?
A portrait of Waleria Mirecka, a teacher and social activist, known and respected by all the inhabitants of Racławice. She was awarded the Mother of the Village order. The woman also found both private and professional fulfillment in Racławice.
Sketches on Living Skin
The titular “obrazki” (ENG: pictures) are both prison tattoos and wounds inflicted on sons by their abusive fathers and stepfathers. Such a son is the protagonist of the film. After many years, he meets his biological, previously unknown, father.
Франтишеку Ратману пришлось приложить немало усилий, чтобы попасть на обучение в Варшаву, на факультет физики. Именно физика, по убеждению героя, является наукой, дающей чёткие и конкретные ответы на поставленные вопросы. Со временем жизненный опыт и любовные перипетии ставят под сомнение эту уверенность. Франтишек тяжело переживает смерть друга в Татрах. В горах он знакомится с девушкой, и недолгий роман заканчивается женитьбой, поскольку молодые люди ожидают ребёнка. Обстоятельства и обязанность содержать семью заставляют Франтишека оставить обучение, устроиться на фабрику и принять участие в экспериментах неврологической клиники. Но поиски сущности бытия для главного героя на этом не заканчиваются, ведь впереди долгая жизнь….
Our Friends from Łodz
"Our Lodz Friends" is a documentary portrait of three women of different ages working in textile factories in Łódź. In the deafening roar of machines, performing monotonous tasks, they talk about their everyday life and dreams.
Семейная жизнь
Молодого инженера Вита вызывают телеграммой к больному отцу, который до войны был владельцем стеклозавода. Теперь он живет с сестрой жены и экстравагантной дочерью Беллой. Вит приезжает со своим другом Мареком. Оказывается, что отец - не болен, просто хочет, чтобы сын вернулся, и унаследовал маленькую мастерскую елочных игрушек, и занялся семьей. Однако разговор с отцом не убеждает Вита остаться. Между Мареком и Беллой происходит близость. Марек, возмущенный позицией Вита, предлагает Белле уехать, но она не решается оставить отца. Марек уезжает, вскоре после него уезжает и Вит, не пожелав даже попрощаться с отцом.
Пейзаж после битвы
Действие фильма происходит в самом конце второй мировой войны, на территории освобожденного американцами немецкого концлагеря. В ожидании своей дальнейшей судьбы бывшие заключенные — поляки живут на территории бывшей казармы. Они находятся под наблюдением американских военных. Главные герои картины: молодой поэт-интеллектуал Тадеуш и его возлюбленная — Нина.
His Name Is Błażej Rejdak
The story of a farmer who's also a railway worker, and his family.
Roly Poly
Sound Designer
Based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem (Solaris). The main character, race car driver Ryszard Fox, is involved in many car accidents. After each car crash he gets a transplant for one or another internal organ. After a while there is a question: Who really is Ryszard Fox?
Paryż - Warszawa bez wizy
A dream-like meditation on post-industrial life in Communist Poland.
Girls From “Nawojka”
A day in the life of women from the "Nawojka" Dormitory at the Cracow Jagiellonian University. In the 15th century, the patroness of the dormitory tried to study at the university disguised as a man. Today, more than 700 female students studying humanities or science live here.
Where We Live
This documentary wants people to stop armament. Instead of that, we should focus on humanitarian aid, education and healthcare. There is no commentary in the film, some images of the modern world spread the message. On the one hand, it is industry; on the other hand – famine.