Annie Kalahurka


Divine Decision: Double Down
Amana Davenport Mirakul
The seven-year-itch hits the marriage of Joe and Emily while Tony's wife Amana is being pursued by her rock star ex-boyfriend who Tony's company manages. Will both their marriages disintegrate when they return to the Marriage Tribunal?
The Tribunal
Amana Davenport
The stakes are much higher than life or death in The Tribunal, a courtroom drama set in a Catholic Marriage Tribunal. On the surface, it appears that the struggle between Tony and Joe, two best friends who both love Emily, hinges on Joe obtaining an annulment of his first marriage, so Emily, a devout Catholic, can marry him. As they each fight for whom they love, the Tribunal slowly answers the ever-present question hanging over the proceedings, "What does God want?" Why it matters to these three is the reason it matters to every person. Our souls will not rest until they rest in the arms of the Lord.
Embarassed Mom
Фильм рассказывает о сложных взаимоотношениях двух женщин, живущих в Нью-Йорке 50-х годов. Одна из них — совсем молоденькая продавщица, мечтающая о большем, а другая — замужняя дама, страдающая от отсутствия любви.