Ane Christensen


La Véillée
Production Design
A group of partygoers gather and listen to a grandmother’s strange tale.
True Blue
Set Decoration
Rembrandt Macy (Tom Berenger) is a maverick cop assigned to a case where the primary evidence is a woman's hand found in a pond. Investigators identify the dead, and Macy is lead into a young woman's past. Macy's primary path to understanding the victim is through one of her roommates, Nikki. Through Nikki and others, Macy learns of the victim's shady contacts at City Hall, the involvement of a gang of Asian drug runners, and the sordid affairs of one of the city's bigwigs. As Macy begins to understand how all these crimes fit together, he learns that his new friend Nikki is not an innocent bystander.
Городские легенды 2: Последний отрезок
Property Master
Студентка университета Эми снимает свой дипломный фильм о городских легендах, страшных историях, порожденных первобытным хаосом современных мегаполисов. Во время съемок происходит таинственная череда загадочных и кровавых событий. Из режиссера Эми должна стать сыщиком — иначе к концу своей картины она сама станет городской легендой.
At the Mercy of a Stranger
Set Decoration
When Thomas, a prominent doctor, hires a hitman to murder his wife, Elizabeth, the hitman decides to help Elizabeth after realizing she is not the person Thomas painted her to be. Together, they plot a way for Thomas to incriminate himself and get arrested.
Set Decoration
After the whole North of the Equator freezes below zero, a group of people in Los Angeles risk their lives while trying to "escape" from the city's hostile conditions, in order to take a ship to a hotter place on Earth.
White Lies
Set Decoration
How can a smart middle class girl suddenly turn into a devoted right wing debater? That's what happens with Catherine when she meets the charismatic leaders of the neo-nazi organization NIM. Catherine, a first-year university student who feels alienated from the liberal campus, joins a hate group through the Internet and becomes their voice, only to gradually question their beliefs even as she becomes more deeply involved.
Property Master
Женщина обращается к частному детективу с просьбой помочь ее мужу, который занимается странными опытами, связанными с трупами. В ходе расследования выясняется, что место ее мужа уже занял колдун черной магии, умерщвленный в 18 веке. Он оставил дневники и записки, руководствуясь которыми муж несчастной женщины воскресил его из мертвых. И теперь для утоления голода ему необходимы живые кровь и плоть…
Property Master
A white lawyer finds his values shaken when he is paired with an angry Indigenous activist who insists on kidnapping the head of a logging company to teach him the price of his destruction.
Bridge to Silence
Set Decoration
A woman with a hearing problem tries to get het life back together after a car accident that killed her husband.