Simon Trinder

Simon Trinder


Simon Trinder


RSC Live: The Tempest
On a distant island a man waits. Robbed of his position, power and wealth, his enemies have left him in isolation. But this is no ordinary man, and this no ordinary island. Prospero is a magician, able to control the very elements and bend nature to his will. When a sail appears on the horizon, he reaches out across the ocean to the ship that carries the men who wronged him. Creating a vast magical storm he wrecks the ship and washes his enemies up on the shore. When they wake they find themselves lost on a fantastical island where nothing is as it seems.
Postal Superintendent
Экранизация повести Антона Чехова «Дуэль». Действие происходит в небольшом городке на берегу Черного моря, где под палящим летним солнцем зреет вражда между двумя героями. Им нечего делить, но тихое презрение одного и тяжелая апатия второго, безразличного ко всему в жизни, подводят героев к опасной черте, за которой может последовать нелепая трагедия.