Телеспектакль по пьесе финского драматурга Энсио Рислакки. У профессорской вдовы Виви Кассель - три дочери: хорошенькие Ирма и Паула и малопривлекательная, но умная, острая на язык Эльза, которую унижает снисходительное отношение сестер и матери. Она решает доказать, что быть женщиной гораздо проще, чем личностью. Посетив косметический салон, она влюбляет в себя не только женихов сестер, но и претендента на руку матери.
A Filipino drama film by Lamberto V. Avellana.
Theatre Play
Theatre Play
Theatre Play
Young woman flies to Lapland together with her father and his new female friend whom the daughter dislikes. On a lonely skiing-trip across the vast wilderness, the young lady ends up in a shack inhabited by two research engineers and a funny old Lapland man who sees peculiar dreams.
Theatre Play
The boyish, temperamental chemistry student Elsa Kassel disapproves of her mother and sisters running after men, but when she hears that she's referred to as "ugly Elsa", she takes on a transformation. The new, charming Elsa tests her attractiveness on men and causes confusion all the way to her mother's new groom, Professor Harjula.
Theatre Play
A Finnish comedy film from 1940. The third in the "Lapatossu" trilogy.
Alfred Haaravirta's worries begin, when his longtime housekeeper dies. So Alfred sends a letter to his old friend Matilda and asks her to be his new housekeeper. But Matilda misunderstands the letter to be a proposal of marriage.