John Gowans

John Gowans

Рождение : 1943-12-23,


John Gowans


Ward Evans
История о жизни физика-теоретика Роберта Оппенгеймера во время Второй мировой войны и разработке им атомной бомбы.
Holy Moses
The Priest
In 1963 a cow goes missing from an Irish Magdalene Asylum only to reappear 25 years later at a gas station in Texas. The attendant calls the sheriff, the sheriff calls the doctor, and together the three discover a strange mystery in the middle of an American nowhere.
Tiger Orange
Mr. Farber
In the small Central California town where they grew up, two estranged gay brothers struggle to reconnect after the recent death of their father.
George's 40th Birthday
Boss Harris
To the outside world, George is just an average middle-aged, middle-class, and middle-sized salesman. But to George, the outside world is out to get him, and on his 40th birthday he decides to do something about it. "George's 40th Birthday" is a dark comedy about a self-deprecating man who is so fed up with his monotonous life that he loses his grip on reality. Our story begins when, on the morning of his 40th birthday, George decides to bring a gun to work. George's birthday turns out to be no different from any other; a complete and utter disaster. Yet just when George decides to put himself out of his misery, he receives a surprise.
Storm and Sorrow
Robert 'Bob' Craig
In 1974, mountain climber Molly Higgins (Lori Singer) begins her ascent of Lenin Peak, located in the Pamir Mountains on the edge of the Himalayas. She's part of an international climbing expedition that has brought a team of U.S. climbers into the USSR. But completing their mission won't be easy, as Mother Nature and internal divisions hamper their journey up the perilous peak, putting all their lives in jeopardy. This made-for-TV movie is based on a true story.
Question of Faith
Dr. Siegel's Seminar
A woman struck down by terminal cancer shuns conventional medical techniques at her husband's insistence and turns to alternative treatment to combat the disease.
Not My Kid
Mr. Sutter
A teenaged drug addict is sent to Dr. Royce's controversial drug intervention program where the addicts in the program confront each other in supervised group meetings. Also, in evening meetings, the addicts are confronted by their families. The girl's parents want to remove her from the program because it upsets them that their daughter is being forced to associate with addicts who admit to stealing and trading sex for drugs.
A crazed killer stalks the cast of a television soap-opera.
Битва за пределами звёзд
Nestor 2
Космический негодяй Садор нападает на беззащитную планету и становится правителем. Если кто-то взбунтуется против него, он может уничтожить их родной дом. Смелый парень Шэд хочет свергнуть диктатора и отправляется на поиск наёмников для помощи. В итоге к нему присоединяется много новых друзей и они продолжают борьбу со злодеями и в итоге побеждают их.
Звёздный путь: Фильм
Assistant to Rand
Из глубин космоса, через Клингонский сектор к Земле приближается неопознанный объект просто гигантских размеров с неясными, но, возможно, враждебными намерениями, называющий себя «Виджер»; и Энтерпрайз оказывается единственным кораблем, способным успеть вовремя добраться до этого объекта для его исследования и ликвидации потенциальной опасности для Земли. Это важнейшее задание поручается адмиралу Звездного Флота Джеймсу Т. Кирку, который получает в свое командование корабль USS Enterprise NCC1701 и всю свою старую команду. Итак, их путешествие начинается…
No Other Love
Justice of the Peace
A young marginally intellectually-disabled girl and boy meet, plan to marry, and convince the world that they are entitled to a life of their own -- despite attempts by the girl's parents to separate them.
Lacy and the Mississippi Queen
This lighthearted Western was an unsuccessful series pilot in which two sisters -- a gun-toting tomboy and a beauty with an engaging smile -- team up to track down a pair of train robbers, suspects in the shooting of their father.
You Light Up My Life
Charley Nelson
Laurie has been in show business since she was a child. Her dream is to be a singer, songwriter and actress. Her father wants her to be a comedian like him and Laurie only tries because it pleases her father. But she is a lousy comedian. She auditions for everything and is engaged to Ken, but Ken does not understand her needs. She has a one night stand with Chris, only to later find that he is a director. She has many emotions that have not yet been addressed and she must face them before she can get on with her life.