Akiyoshi Kitaura

Рождение : 1940-04-10, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan


The Imperial Navy
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
Синее рождество
Ежегодно все больше людей наблюдают у поверхности Земли НЛО. Из-за сильного облучения кровь у свидетелей появления инопланетян становится синего оттенка, их отличительные черты — устойчивая психика и мягкий характер. Профессор Хедо на международной конференции делает доклад о существовании инопланетной жизни. Вскоре ученого похищают. Журналист Минами связывает последние сделанные профессором эксперименты со случаем из жизни одной популярной актрисы, которая однажды порезала палец, и друг Минами увидел, что ее кровь синего цвета...
Visitor After Dark
Suspense film about a beautiful photographer who becomes involved in a murder case.
Let's Go, Grandma!
The Legend of Love & Sincerity
Meet Saotome Ai, a high school girl from a well-to-do family. When she was a small child, she was in an accident that resulted in a young boy being permanently scarred between his eyes while she emerged unscathed. The young boy saved her life and although she never knew who he was, she never forgot him. Meet Taiga Makoto, a young man with a scar between his eyes who has had a rough life, but has emerged as a rough, tough bully - a thug and a brawler and about as rude as they come - all of which he blames on the incident that gave him his scar. When Ai and Makoto run into each other again, Ai feels guilt for what Makoto has become and decides to intervene and rehabilitate him. But is he a diamond in the rough, or just a bully?
Резня в снегу
У странствующего мстителя Дзёкичи появляется компаньон — наёмный убийца и мастер метания ножей по кличке «Мельница». Очень скоро «Мельница» признаётся, что его наняли потенциальные жертвы Дзёкичи. Однако два одиноких аутсайдера-истребителя находят между собой много общего, потому взаимная симпатия связывает героев. Дзёкичи, всё более и более уподобляющийся своим врагам в жестокости, пытается даже уберечь спутника от повторения своего пути.
喜劇 右向けェ左!
Mamoru Hirayama, the sales manager of Clover Shoji, a women's underwear manufacturer, was selected by President Usui to be the manager of the foreign affairs section newly established in the sales department. Masaaki Sakata, Yasushi Inoda, Osamu Yamabe, and Jiro Oi were assigned to this foreign affairs section. Hirayama, a former soldier, is suddenly enthusiastic when the company orders him to join the Self-Defense Forces. One day, in the library where the records of the former army are displayed, Hirayama recalls his memories of that time. It turned out that the bundle of bills that the captain had made a mess of was packed in a box and buried somewhere.
Attack at Daylight
A truck driver is reunited with friends from his youth in a seedy bar and gets drawn into a web of crime.
Madcap Mixup
Five fellows are taken by the police for bank hold-ups.
Bonds of Love
Adapted from the Seicho Matsumoto story "Tazutazushi". Ryohei Suzuki, a manager at a travel company, is married to his superior's daughter, but tires of their authority over his life. A chance encounter with Yukiko Hirai one rainy night brings a new romance into Ryohei's life, and he and Yukiko fall deeply in love. Yukiko, however, reveals that she has a violent husband in prison - with only a week left until his release. Ryohei, desperate to maintain his social standing, brings Yukiko to the mountains in Nagano and sets in motion an unthinkable, tragic chain of events.