Original Music Composer
После нелепой встречи с незнакомцем, и так уже нервный Ал начинает сомневается в том, кто он самом деле.
The Green Rabbit
A man is stumbling through the desert, in only underwear, lost and confused. A car pulls alongside, driven by a beautiful young girl who knows his name. His name is Gerry and it's tattooed on his forehead. Her name is Eilis, from a pendant around her neck. With nowhere else to go, he gets into the car and begins a surreal journey to answer the reasons he's there at all.
A character-driven heartfelt story of resilience and the impact of education. The film follows Angel, Moses and Nina from the slums of Kampala, Uganda through a world tour with the Grammy-nominated African Children's Choir; stunningly shot and told through Angel, Moses and Nina's perspectives on their one shot journey from poverty to education.