Dan Levinson


Executive Producer
Dina, an outspoken and eccentric 49-year-old in suburban Philadelphia, invites her fiancé Scott, a Walmart door greeter, to move in with her. Having grown up neurologically diverse in a world blind to the value of their experience, the two are head-over-heels for one another, but shacking up poses a new challenge. Scott freezes when it comes to physical intimacy, and Dina, a Kardashians fanatic, wants nothing more than to share with Scott all she’s learned about sensual desire from books, TV shows, and her previous marriage. Her increasingly creative forays to draw Scott close keep hitting roadblocks—exposing anxieties, insecurities, and communication snafus while they strive to reconcile their conflicting approaches to romance and intimacy.
The Second Sound Barrier
Executive Producer
The tale of the three fastest drivers in the world and their quest to save Lady Billionaire. Struck with a mysterious illness, the only way to save her is to break the "second sound barrier"
Мала Мала
Associate Producer
Документальный фильм о силе трансформации, показанный глазами 9 трансгендерных человек в Пуэрто-Рико.
Executive Producer
В центре сюжета — одинокая женщина около тридцати лет, испытывающая трудности во всех возможных реальных любовных переживаниях своей жизни из-за одержимой влюбленности в мистера Дарси — вымышленного героя классического романа «Гордость и предубеждение» Джейн Остин. Она тратит все свои сбережения на поездку в Англию и встречает там мужчину из своих фантазий.
Uneven Fairways
This documentary reveals the story of the little-known, but rich history of African-Americans who were forbidden to play golf at its highest level but refused to take "no" for an answer.