Jesse Mazuch


Director of Photography
Reprise is a playful narrative experiment of a critical nature - a riddle in a seamless loop. The film is a circular narrative made out of 2 intertwined loops. It can be shown either as a short film, or as an endless one (as an installation).
Second Thoughts
Director of Photography
When Marie’s boyfriend proposes to her in front of his entire family, she doesn't know what to say and flees to the countryside to think it over alone. But her thoughts accompany her. They sit around her in flesh and blood: Her mother pesters her with baby names, exboyfriends climb down trees and a woman in a sari narrates her life in poems. Her would-be fiancé eventually joins her, clashing his own luggage of thoughts with hers. But what if you show your thoughts to each other? How much honesty can a relationship take? In her first feature, director Zora Rux, an apprentice of Swedish filmmaker Roy Andersson, tells a surrealistic story of the search for one’s true self in poetic tableaus.
Director of Photography
Maryna, Pavel and Denis belong to an underground theatre group in Minsk, Belarus. In the course of the 2020 presidential elections, they take part in the peaceful mass protests, together with thousands of people. They narrowly escape arrest and torture. What unites them is the hope for freedom of speech and democracy.
The Massacre of Anroechte
Director of Photography
Nothing special happens in the quiet, peaceful, and sad German city of Anröchte. Until the day in which its residents’ daily lives are disrupted by strange events: Hun knights armed with sabers perpetrate an arbitrary massacre for no apparent reason, decapitating people at random. Inspector Konka arrives in town to solve the mistery, along with his faithful assistant Walter, a philosopher type who reflects on the human condition as he wanders the melancholic streets of Anröchte.
День Победы
Director of Photography
Каждый год 9 мая в Трептовпарке в Берлине собираются люди. Они приходят с флагами, цветами, плакатами, одетые празднично или в советскую военную форму. Они возлагают цветы к памятнику советскому воину-освободителю, поют, танцуют, пьют. Они отмечают день победы СССР над нацистской Германией. Берлин, 72 года спустя.
Napoleon’s James Bond
Director of Photography
Charles Louis Schulmeister (1770-1853) was a smuggler and a revolutionary, but also a chief of police and Napoleon Bonaparte's favorite spy. A look back on his adventurous life with the purpose of unraveling the many mysteries of his unique path.
Director of Photography
Картина «Аустерлиц» снималась на территории бывших концлагерей Дахау, Берген-Бельзен, Равенсбрюк, Заксенхаузен и Дора-Миттельбау, и своим названием отсылает к одноименному роману Винфрида Зеебальда, посвященному памяти о Холокосте. На самом деле неважно в каких лагерях снимался фильм, суть в том, что из него следует, что люди перестают соотносить увиденное с реальностью. Они начинают посещать концлагеря как очередной туристический аттракцион, забывая о том, что эти места - фабрики по переработке людей в пепел, места страшных преступлений против человечества. Фильм - кинонаблюдение вызывает у зрителя вопросы: Зачем они туда пришли? Что они там ищут? Как хранить эту память и какие проблемы возникают в результате того, что мы называем меморизация.
Herman the German
Director of Photography
After an accident Herman learns that the suffers from a very rare illness which causes him that the emotion "fear" falls out whereby he is forced to try out all phobias to become normal again.