Gabriella Colecchia


Mom or Dad?
Production Secretary
A divorced couple fights for the custody of their three children: neither of them wants it. Mom wants to leave them to dad, and vice versa.
Школа «Диаз»
Production Secretary
Ретроспектива событий 21 июля 2001 года на саммите большой восьмёрки в Генуе, когда группа мирно протестующих активистов была жестоко избита и арестована полицией с применением самых жутких издевательств и пыток. Правозащитная организация Международная Амнистия позднее назовёт эти события самым грубым нарушением прав человека в Западной Европе со времен Второй мировой войны.
La Sonnambula
La Sonnambula is an idillic, classical and intense melodramma with an extremely fine, lyrical musicality and tense with pure "canto", suspended between Arcadia and Romanticism. It is a combination of tender and melancholic sentiments and of tragic and moving passion, in a natural uncontaminated and innocent atmosphere and humanity which clearly represent the artistic experience of the composer. The charming staging by Hugo de Ana, at the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari goes back to January 2007. Through fascinating tableaux vivants, references to 17th century Romantic painting and refined visual projections, it is a tribute to Luchino Visconti. Visconti produced the memorabile performance of Sonnambula in March at the Scala di Milano with the magnificant Maria Callas.