Grace Reals

Grace Reals


Grace Reals


The Right To Lie
Mrs. Drake
Carlotta has been brought up in an Italian convent, unaware that she is the illegitimate child of American architect J. Winthrop Drake. When her mother, an Italian opera singer, dies, Drake finally learns of Carlotta's existence and brings her back to New York with him without revealing the truth of their relationship.
Oh Boy!
Mrs. Carter
Oh Boy! 1919 film
The Hidden Truth
Mrs. Blake
Helen Merrill sings and dances in the rough Western mining town of Nugget City, where she befriends Myrtle Cadby, whose husband Jake cruelly abuses her. After a particularly vicious beating, Myrtle, seriously injured, shoots Jake. As she lies dying, she gives Helen a letter of introduction to a man she was to have married in the East, urging her to leave Nugget City. Before she leaves, Helen overhears Bill Sheridan and "Snipe" Roach scheming to sell Charles Taylor, a wealthy New Yorker, a salted mine, with the assistance of George Reed, Taylor's mining agent. Helen goes East and learns that Taylor is the man whom Myrtle was to have married, but because she immediately falls in love with him, she conceals her own identity and masquerades as Myrtle.
Mrs. Dane's Defense
Mrs. Trent
An Englishwoman misbehaves in Canada, driving a traveling companion to suicide and bearing a secret child whom she whisks away. When she returns to England to receive an inheritance, her bad deeds catch up to her. The film is presumed lost.
Шерлок Холмс
Madge Larrabee
Фильм «Джилетт», который долгое время считался потерянным с момента его первого выпуска, является жизненно важным недостающим звеном в истории Холмса на экране. К моменту создания фильма «Джилетт» был признан ведущим в мире интерпретатор Холмса на сцене. Он дал свое лицо и манеру детективу и вдохновил классика иллюстраций Фредерика Дорра Стила. В фильме верно сохраняются знаменитые постановочные пьесы - встреча Холмса с профессором Мориарти, его дерзкий побег из газовой камеры «Степни» и вынужденные силовые выводы - и иллюстрирует, как «Джилетт» переплел кусочки из историй Конан Дойля, начиная от «Скандала в Богемии» и заканчивая «Последней проблемой», до оригинальной, новаторской загадочной игры.