Mustafa Bal


Sound Designer
The Balkans is home to an ancient pagan tradition where magic and mystery still have a sacred place in the cosmic order. The Kukeri festival has had a strong hold over Bulgarian cultural life since the fifth century, surviving the Ottomans, Christendom and communist rule. Every winter, hundreds of terrifying figures prowl snow-capped forests and village centers in search of evil spirits to dispel from their communities.
Dört Köşeli Üçgen
Foley Supervisor
Sophia Lazzati
Sound Mixer
When Sophia leaves her violent husband, new problems arise as she regains fortitude and her daughter struggles with adolescence.
Sophia Lazzati
Sound Editor
When Sophia leaves her violent husband, new problems arise as she regains fortitude and her daughter struggles with adolescence.
Тихий час
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
В отдалённой части сельской, пост-апокалиптической Англии, захваченной инопланетными захватчиками, вспыльчивая девушка-подросток отправляется в отчаянной попытке дать отпор группе преступников и защитить ферму её родителей, оставшуюся домашнюю скотину и солнечные батареи, которые помогают им защищаться от инопланетян. Если у неё не получится достигнуть цели, она потеряет единственный источник питания и укрытие, если же будет сопротивляться, то она и её беспомощный слепой брат будут убиты.
Sound Designer
This existential comedy tells the story of Anna, a chronically ill woman, who is visited by Doreen, a door to door proselytizer who slowly overstays her welcome. Together, they walk in the park, bake a cake and watch an Ingmar Bergman film.
Sound Designer
Basic dignity of queer people in India is under attack, yet again. The scorching IPC Section 377 is re-unleashed to police to criminalise “gay sex” in India. While the law and the Supreme Court dated themselves back a few hundred years, an adorable Indian mother has her knowledge of “gay sex” in mint condition, wheeling out a tidbit or two for her heartbroken queer daughter in an effort to cheer her up. The pair are shocked into action by the Supreme Court's latest rejection.