Two friends who work in a detective agency rob their boss in order to be hired by him to find the thieves. Their plan goes wrong after the man with a white hat steals their money. The investigation leads them to a casino cabaret club run by notorious Cornelone.
Сват Милан уговаривает свата Жику жениться, описывая всевозможные прелести будущей семейной жизни. Для этого он подает брачные объявления в газеты, предлагая кандидаткам присылать видеокассеты с записью своего «портфолио». Но вот сам Жика не горит желанием что-либо менять в своей размеренной жизни...
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.