Harris Papadopoulos


Αγαπώ Τη Μαμά Σου
The Alceste (Betty Livanos) is a fifty-year woman with two daughters, who still retains the youthful glow of years. The decision to follow her lover to England resulted completely disrupt relations with Mika (Christiana Matzouranis), her great daughter. When Alcestis decides to settle in Greece, wants to make a new beginning with her daughters. But Mika confronts her icily, and never accepted behavior of her mother. A legacy in Galaxidi addressed Alcestis and her daughters, imposing the coexistence of the family. Only that Mika has decided to send a representative to husband, Marino (Haris Romas), a winemaker ... Behind the aggressive attitude of Marino for the charming mother of hiding a strange eroticism to unforeseen development, which causes many comical situations ...
Трилогия: Плачущий луг
Горстка людей, одетых в черное, с тяжелыми чемоданами и держа за руку детей, будто вышли из моря на неприветливо-пустынный, с заплатами луж, отеческий берег. Этот образ вечного изгнания и скитальчества, варьируясь, проходит лейтмотивом через весь фильм, в котором, переплелись история минувшего века, судьба греков и история любви с преградами и разлуками.
Προς την ελευθερία
Προς την ελευθερία
Post Restant-Omonia
The night life of Omonia. A combination of fiction and real life.