Igor van Dessel

Igor van Dessel

Рождение : 2003-04-18, Braine-L'Alleud, Wallonia, Belgium


Igor van Dessel
Igor van Dessel


A Good Boy
During a training session, 16-year-old Maxime sees the police arrive to question his coach, who has been accused of sexual abuse by one of the club's children. These accusations are going to crack the shell of silence he had been trying to build.
13-летние мальчики Лео и Реми переходят в новую школу. Они всегда были очень близки, но одноклассникам такие отношения кажутся странными. Из-за давления с их стороны Лео начал отдаляться от друга. Помирить друзей пытается мать Реми.
Yuku et la fleur de l’Himalaya
Yuku is a young mouse who lives with her family in the cellar of a castle. Her grandmother passes on the family values by telling her timeless folk tales. Injured in a tussle with a cat, the old mouse is bedridden and she tells her children that she will have to leave them to follow the little blind mole into the Earth’s tunnels. In one of her grandmother’s storybooks, Yuku learns that the flower of the Himalayas can bring her eternal light. She leaves on a journey of discovery to find the flower.
Icare adolescent
На острове Крит во время правления царя Миноса люди поклоняются богам Олимпа, которые внушают страх и трепет. Только глупец посмеет им перечить. Юный Икар в одиночку противостоит царю и Олимпу ради своего лучшего друга - таинственного мальчика с головой быка…
A Change of Heart
Beatrice, recently widowed by a far right sympathetic policeman, lives with her son & mother. She doesn’t like migrant and foreigners. When she meets Mokhtar, an Iranian entered illegally in France, her world crumbles. This is the beginning of a passionate love story leading Beatrice to defy her racist entourage and the law so that he can cross the Channel.
le garçon du skate park
At her father’s request, Coline returns to her childhood bedroom to sort through her belongings. The various objects she finds remind her of childhood memories that stick to her and that she will finally accept to leave behind…
Dune Dreams
In the wake of his wife’s death, Simon tries to make a fresh start by moving with his son Camille to Dubai. In that extraordinary city, Camille manages to forget, let go, and begin a new life. But for Simon, it’s not so easy. He begins to feel an alarming presence in their home - someone quietly, patiently lurking in the shadows. Could it really be his double? Simon slowly succumbs to anxiety and thinks he is going mad. But he’s not the only one to feel threatened this way. It seems to be happening to all people in Dubai who refuse to cut off all ties to their past.
Fires in the Dark
Seventeenth century. Set in a small village, nestled between the sea and the mountain, the father of Alan, a young fifteen-year-old boy, has sold himself for two years to indentured service. Alan is forced to take the place of his father and struggles to support his family.
Три дня и жизнь
Théo Mouchotte
Рождество 1999 года, мирная деревенька в Арденнах. Жизнь мальчика по имени Антуан скоро будет разрушена тремя трагическими событиями: смертью собаки, исчезновением ребенка и сильнейшей бурей.
Играй или умри
Lucas - Teenager
Добро пожаловать в «Паранойю» — самую опасную игру на выживание. Правило #1: «Все — обман». Правило #2: «Один из вас умрет».
Mad Mom
Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"
School Is Over
Agathe Langlois, Parisian until the end of the nails well varnishes, is delighted: she is going to be confirmed as a professor of English. The happiness of the good news will not last as she learns that she is deployed to the countryside.
Мамин смех
После развода родителей Адриан попеременно живет в двух семьях. Первая - дом его матери, проходящей курс химиотерапии, после того как у нее обнаружили рак. Вторая - новая семья отца, который всеми силами пытается поддерживать сына.
Обмен принцессами
Louis XV
1721 год. У регента Франции, Филиппа Орлеанского, возникает смелая идея. Его подопечный, 11-летний Людовик XV, скоро станет королём. Обмен принцессами укрепил бы хрупкий мир с Испанией, многолетние войны с которой обескровили оба королевства. Регент выдаёт свою 12-летнюю дочь за наследника престола Испании, а Людовик XV должен жениться на испанской инфанте, 4-летней Анне Марии Виктории. Но поспешный вход в свет молодых принцесс, принесённых в жертву политике, станет причиной их безрассудства…
Страсть и верность
Gino - 1984
В жизни хладнокровного гангстера появляется молодая красивая гонщица из аристократического общества, лучшая в своем деле. Страсть вытесняет профессиональные интересы, но криминальное прошлое повсюду преследует их. События развиваются стремительно, ставя под угрозу жизни героев.
Entre deux mères
Four-year-old Alice Leroy disappeared on a beach, assumed to have drowned. Eleven years later, Alice reappears.
The Elusive
A woman struggles to mitigate her young adolescent son's dubious contact with another child at the neighborhood swimming pool.
Странствие Фанни
История о группе еврейских детей, вынужденных бежать из оккупированной немецко-фашистскими войсками Франции. 12-летней девочкой Фанни Бет-Ами была оставлена матерью на попечение специального пансиона, откуда ей пришлось бежать со своими младшими сестрами — Эрикой и Жоржеттой. Вместе с ними в силу сложившихся обстоятельств, угрожающих жизни детей, бегут ещё несколько подростков-евреев. И пока немногочисленные взрослые на свой страх и риск помогают детям, у последних не возникает вопроса, куда именно они бегут…
A slice of the country
A sunny day in the country. A family of animals find a good place for a picnic. Nearby, another animal is grazing peacefully. But the bucolic atmosphere of this picnic rapidly degenerates.
The Law of the Jungle
Petit singe
A clever little monkey remembers to keep his wits about him when the bigger monkeys encroach on his bounty of bananas.
Plein soleil
Under the leaden sky of a summer day, Eric goes to work to defend a great issue. But, blinded by stress, Eric is forgetting the most important thing...
Paul and Virginie
Paul lives alone with his mother Virginie. Weakened by disease, she is unable to go about their daily life anymore. Paul, driven by the unbreakable bond of love that exists between him and his mother, tries to take matters into his own hands.
The Little Hedgehog
A little hedgehog finds a magnificent apple in the woods. He rolls it behind a rock where he can enjoy it at his leisure. But there are some uninvited guests at the feast.
The Scent of Carrots
A rabbit and a squirrel, neighbours and good friends, both love food and good company. They nevertheless quarrel over their different tastes. The squirrel moves out during the night and is caught by a fox…